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The Reality
Tuesday, 1 June 2004
I HATE HIM, I HATE HIM, I HATE HIM!!! -screams and pulls at hair- Ya know how certain people just make you wanna throw up, or make countless voodoo dolls of them just at the odd chance of causing them some kind of pain? Well there's a person that has just that effect on me. Usually I try to put as much distance as possible between myself and whoever pisses me off so much, but with this person, it's virtually impossible. I mean, how are you supposed to get away and forget about someone who just happens to be a very close friend of your boyfriend, but also is the one creature you loath most in life. Ponder over that for a while. There is no good way to go about such a situation. You either turn into monster bitchy girlfriend and make your bf choose between you and a friend he's known for a long long time, or continuiously get in bitchy horrible moods because that certain creature you loath has a tendency to constantly end up affecting your life in ways that you really could be happy doing without. Seriously, there would be a lot less tension between my bf and I if assfuck would just drop off the end of the earth. I doubt anyone would miss him. Anyone important anyway.. Obviously though, that is not going to happen, so something has to be done. And the fact that my bf doesn't support me holding this grudge against his friend doesn't help one bit at all. Cause all I hear from his is that I just need to get over it and the two of us need to be friends again. HA. HA. HA. Fat chance of that ever happening. PFFT. This summer is starting out so much differently then I had hoped.. and definetly not for the better... -sighs-

Posted by magic/babyk0 at 3:13 PM EDT
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Monday, 31 May 2004
I'm back!!
Alright, so the trip to Washington DC that I had been dreading for such a terribly long time, wasn't quite as bad as I thought it would be. The World War 2 thing wasn't really anything great, in my opinion anyway. Of course, if I was maybe 60 or 70 years older then it most likely would have been a lot more interesting. One thing I did find rather interesting was riding the "metro." We actually had to get off and switch to different trains and stuff, and we didn't get lost! Not to mention I got to shop A LOT. I have to admit, I'm a total girly girl when it comes to shopping. I LOVE it. I don't really enjoy trying things on though, but I got through it and had a pretty good time. There were a few things I wish I could have gotten for Tigger, but since my Dad is so against our relationship, or from what he knows lack there of, I couldn't. Mmm.. only about 45 more days till my birthday!!! -screams- Yayness. I'm, offically going to advance in my persistant begging for a dog. My family really can't seem to grasp just how bad I want a dog/puppy of my own. I am determined to get one though. I don't know how, but I am not about to give up. Annnd my bestest, most adored and cherished best friend in the entire world is coming down to visit, for a few weeks too. {I hope} I CAN'T WAIT for that. Since tomorrow is my first offical day of summer vacation, I'm planning on taking full advantage of it by laying outback in the sun and talking on the phone all day. Or at least until my mom gets home and tells me to get off my butt and do something. I have to go though, I'll write again soon. TTFN. :P

Posted by magic/babyk0 at 7:00 PM EDT
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Monday, 24 May 2004
Self pity isn't always wrong..
Or maybe it is. I don't know. I'd like to think it's not, cause I've been doing an awful lot of it lately. Not to mention kinda selfish {MB) Like today for example. Last day of school, we got out at 11:50, and I got to spend almost 5 hours with my boyfriend, which is practically unheard of due to certain situations. I'm the happiest person in the world right? Or not. Of course something bad has to come around and take a nice long pee on my parade. See, there's a certain ex of mine that just happens to be really good friends with my current boyfriend. And I mean really good friends. They've known each other for like 5 years or something. Well, Because of numerous revelations around this boy -cough- I dispise the mo-fo. I wish he would burn in hell, or be castrated and be forced to live the rest of his life as a ball-less, penis-less, ARROGANT, JERK who isn't fit enough to live on the tiny mites that live on fleas that live on pigs. This probably sounds a bit harsh, but if you knew the whole story, I'm sure most of you would agree. Well yeah, my boyfriend is going to go to work with said asshole on Saturday which I found out when I talked to him after he got home. Obviously, Kelly is not a happy camper anymore. No, Kelly's "A" plus, number 1, perfect day, had now been shot to hell. Not to mention that it just so happens that I'm also going away for about a week, starting this Wed. so I won't even be able to somewhat keep an eye on him. Previously mentioned asshole also does some shady shit that I'm not at all in approval of, and the last thing I want is for my precious hunny bunches of oats {aka boyfriend) to get mixed up in his crap. Of course, my dear huggle bunny tends to think that I'm still pissed off at Jerkoff for what he did to me, which is totally believable, in a way. But no. I went over and over in my head the reasons I disliked them, and only one had a real relationship to what he did to me. I just don't want anything happening to the guy I love, and who I am convinced is "The One." Is this selfish? I don't know, and it's really tearing me in all directions. The last thing I want to do is be over-ruling and over dramatic about it, but I just have the worst feeling that he's going to somehow get wrapped up dumbasses shit and be blamed right along with him. Plus I'll be hundreds of miles away with very, very, very limited phone usage, and stuck with my family doing things that I honestly have OBSOLUTLY NO INTEREST IN DOING!! As you can tell, I'm just a tiny bit pissed off, and pretty much just running on fumes. I'd really like to go to sleep, but for some reason I just can't. Every time I close my eyes I just think I'm missing something, and they fly back open. I suppose I should keep trying though. Eventually I'll just get so bored that my body will have nothing to do but allow me to fall asleep. (or so I hope.) Writing this has really helped me to let out some of my pent up frustration. I know to anyone who reads it, it won't make much to any sense, but they can have fun trying to piece it together. I'm not sure when, but I'm sure I'll be needed to vent somemore in the near future. Until then, TTFN.

Posted by magic/babyk0 at 11:59 PM EDT
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Thursday, 15 April 2004
The fine line between selfish and caring
I've missed it. Quite a few people might think of writing as more of a job then a fun activity, but not me. I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't write. Whenever I get frustrated, I have something to do to sort my thoughts out, and it really helps, and lately, I've been doing a lot of just that.

I'm starting to think that I have total possessive problems. Well, maybe not starting. It's more like finally allowing myself to think about it fully, and now that I have, I'm convinced I do, or am. Whatever.

See, a certain someone, who shall remain nameless, has started taking part in an extracurricular activity that takes up a bit of his time. This is something that's totally foreign to me, because practically since I've known him he's been mine and mine alone, which I honestly could not have been more happy about. Now though, I'm being faced with having to share him along with his time and attention, and to say the least, I'm just a tad bit jealous/irritated. The thing is, I honestly don't think I have any right to be, jealous and irritated that is. I do things, so there is absolutely no reason he shouldn't be free to do things he enjoys too. See, I know that, but my mind just wants nothing to do with such a notion. No, it's determined to make me feel agitated and angry every time he has to leave. It's really driving me nuts beyond belief. On the inside I'm happy he's getting out and doing things he enjoys, and I wouldn't want to do anything to hinder that, but my outside refuses to cover up my irritation so he could think nothing of my stupid attitude. I'm so utterly lost and fed up with it all. Can ya tell?

Ah, not to mention a certain someone at school has been wearing down on my already touchy nerves. Krista, a freshman in my German class. At first she seemed 'ok'. A bit loud, but otherwise handable. Then, I got assigned a seat next to her, and now it's holy hell get the fuck away from me you dirty, skankly lil rat. I don't usually react to people that way, except at certain times. A specific kind of person who tops the list of pissing me off is preppy lil freshman who try to dress in skimpy clothes that they have no business wearing due to their -cough- weight, and flirting non stop with upper classmen that shouldn't want anything to do with them, but thanks to that male hormone dubbed testosterone, they flirt right on back. Well, Krista is just one of those girls. She doesn't stop hanging all over guys, even if she doesn't get much of a reaction. But heaven forbid some naive sole actually pays her some attention and gives a little back, however small it may be, watch out. She grabs and runs like bloody hell with it. Until recently, I've been able to deal with her pettiness, just focusing on my work and talking to a close friend of mine, Tina, that sits right infront of me. But then, she did the unthinkable. She started flirting with the one single guy in class that I'm actually pretty fond of, and what's even worse is that, he was 'guy' enough to have a teeny tiny little reaction to it and actually talk back. IDIOT!! A little fuse just blew inside of me, and I swear somehow she knows it makes me crazy to all end when she flips her hair at him and giggles like an idiot at every little thing he says. Even Christina, who used to be pretty close friends with her, wants nothing to do with her anymore. I mean honestly, she really needs a reality slap. Maybe a few. Between her constant ramblings about getting drunk, her boyfriend and all the crap she does with him, and her incessant stupidness, I really don't know how much I can take. And get this, on top of all that, she's picked up a new habit. Since she's just too busy talking and paying attention to everything and everyone except our lesson in German, she actually has the nerve of helping herself right to my answers. When she's not copying my work, she's asking over and over again about what we're supposed to be doing and what we're turning in and things like that. If I wasn't such a controlled person, I would really give her a punch to the nose, stomach, mouth, chin, heck, whatever I could get at. But of course, that won't happen. I'm too "nice" to do that. -deep sigh-

Anyway, I'm done for now. Expect more soon. :?

Posted by magic/babyk0 at 7:48 PM EDT
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Thursday, 8 April 2004
Not enough time in the day
Well, being the incredibly intelligent blonde that I am, it only took me about 2 1/2 hours to figure out exactly how to create this thingy. Impressive huh? If you know me, I'm sure you'll agree. Anyhow, thanks to the extended period of time I spent designing this "blog", I have no time to write anything that would be of any interest to anyone, other than maybe a minute handful of extremely bored individuals who have nothing better to do than nose through ppl's "blogs". {No insult intended. I have tendencies to do similiar things when completely bored out of my mind} Unfortunatly, I don't have an ungodly amount of free time at the moment. I'm missing a certain boy that ranks quite high on my priority list, so I'm off to call him. The next bit of free time I can scrape up though, I'll see what I can do about rambling on for a long period of time and making prude comments about characters in my life. I'm sure you can't wait. Till then, TTFN.

Posted by magic/babyk0 at 3:17 PM EDT
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