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Faye Ann Website

This page is lovingly dedicated to my friends and family and special someone  who are always there for me.  Thanks for being my inspiration...and to our Saviour thanks for giving me life and blessing....  

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   The last significant upgrade of FoxBASE+/MAC preceded Fox Pro for Macintosh by above five years, which is a long time.  In computer years, tis is an exceedingly long time..... (Click My Report to view the Summary)
(This report is intended for educational purpose only)

This page is updated every day so if you want to view for update you may do so.

The current issue posted is about my report in Elective 1 to Ms. Ma.Janice Macaspac.  The report is all about FOXBASE.


 I have conducted a research in regards to my report in FoxBASE and you will view here the summary of what I have learned.
The last significant upgrade of FoxBASE+/MAC preceded Fox Pro for Macintosh by above five years, which is a long time.  In computer years, this is an exceedingly long time.
  Keeping the developers at Fox has a sort of unwritten credo:  thou shall not break existing code.  No new version should introduce code that creates problems for existing code, and all old commands should be supported.  This is why some commands, such as SET FORMAT is supported even though practically no professional developer ever uses them.  This credo however presented some major problems for the FoxBASE+/MAC crew.
 FoxBASE+/MAC status as a commercial was an accident to begin with.  The Fox people started working in the current version of Windows way back then. But found the development environment too unstable.  On the other hand the MAC operating system was pretty secured and offered an event-driven windowed environment in which to work.  Fox decided it would be more prudent to practice writing a windowed style database management programs by using the Macintosh until Windows matured.  And, as a bonus, they got to sell to Mac developers.

The mission of the MS-fox development team was to:
•        Take over the Windows database market
•        Make the new stuff in windows run in DOS
•        Make it run in Macintosh
•        Have as close to seamless cross platform capabilities as imaginable
•        Continue to propel all three Flat forms into the future, picking up UNIX along the   way.
•        Have the same executable image (compiled PRG) run in all platforms.

 (SOURCE:  Book: Quick Start for developers, by Andy Griebel)