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(dUn fOrGeT^^) WhAt Up EvErY1 iF ThIs Is Ur 1St TiMe HeRe SiGn My G-bOoK..pPwWwWeEaSe! HeHe... c(= MuCh LoVe To aLL mY LaDy PiMpS oUt ThErE...tHiS LaDy PiMp LoVz Ya aLL VeRy MuCh!! n' To aLL My LiL pImPs YoU kNo WhO yOu ArE i GoTs MuCh LoVe FoE mY bOyZ tOo! BuT i'M oUt LiKe ThIs...WiTh a BiG kIsS mUaHhHhHhH!


~a SaD bUt TrUe PoEm~

FoRgEt HiS nAmE n' HiS fAcE
fOrGeT hIs KiSs N' wArM eMbRaCe
FoRgEt ThE tHiNgS hE uSe To SaY
rEmEmBeR nOw hE's GoNe AwAy
FoRgEt ThE tImEs ThAt WeNt So FaSt
FoRgEt HiS <33 wHiCh NoW hE's PaSt
FoRgEt ThE tHiNgS hE uSe tO dO
rEmEmBeR nOw hE dOeSn'T <33 u
FoRgEt ThE <33 u NeVeR rEaLLy ShArEd
FoRgEt ThE fAcT hE oNcE sAiD hE cArEd
FoRgEt ThE wAy He SaId Ur NaMe
ReMeMbEr NoW tHiNgS aReN't ThE sAmE
fOrGeT tHe TaLkS u OnCe HaD
FoRgEt ThE tHoUgHt CuZ iT mAkEs U sAd
FoRgEt ThAt U sAiD u WoUlD wAiT
rEmEmBeR nOw HiS <33 iS hAtE
fOrGeT hIm WeN tHeY pLaY uR sOnGs
FoRgEt ThAt U cRiEd All NiTe LoNg

LiKe aLeX a.K.a. PaPa SaYs...ONE! HeHe...LoVe Ya PaPa! c(=

My ShOuT oUtS~~>>
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