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If life gives you ice -GO ICESKATING!

99ways to get the most out of life!

  1. Be yourself

  2. Work hard -dnt overwork

  3. everyday -do something that scares you

  4. make time everyday -to do something crazy

  5. take risks

  6. make time everyday to do what you want

  7. believe in yourself

  8. believe in magic

  9. smile at random people

  10. do 7 random acts of kindness per week

  11. go out at least once a week

  12. stay fit

  13. get out into nature

  14. dont be afraid of getting hurt

  15. face your fears

  16. once a week -4get the conciquences

  17. make more friends

  18. send mail

  19. dnt be afraid to act like a kid

  20. laugh -alot

  21. learn to laugh at yourself

  22. learn 2 c the brightside

  23. be adventerous

  24. try something new

  25. learn 2 like something you hate

  26. teach yourself something (...i was a righty...-now im both!)

  27. acheive a goal -no matter how small

  28. splash in puddles

  29. do sumthing u've always wanted to (i finnally built me a tree hut!)

  30. make something

  31. fall in love

  32. treat yourself

  33. awnser the phone -and pretend your some1 else!

  34. dance like no1's watching

  35. forget what people think

  36. be an idiot

  37. cheer people up

  38. ring sum1 up 4 no reason

  39. swing on swings

  40. meet up with an old friend

  41. travel

  42. dnt act you age

  43. ride elevators ( floor...bottom floor)

  44. get a pet!

  45. wear barefeet

  46. build a treehut!!!

  47. plan a surprise

  48. watch the sunrise

  49. sleep under the stars

  50. cartwheel...or learn 2!

  51. tell sumbody u love them

  52. dress up as sum1 else

  53. be a tidy kiwi

  54. wake up in the morning, ring up sum m8s,...and do sumthing random!

  55. make pictures outa the clouds

  56. have a campfire

  57. go out in the rain ...and forget your unbrella

  58. splash out!

  59. see the world

  60. climb mt everest...even if it's not to the top

  61. stick up 4 your friends

  62. learn a new language

  63. watch cartoons

  64. protest! ..just dnt get arrested

  65. go bungy jumping

  66. take millions of photos

  67. personalise everything

  68. run!!

  69. watch the sunset

  70. join a club

  71. sing along

  72. pick a random day of the year to celebrate as if it was christmas! (..i chose nov 30th!....such a superkewl day...)

  73. Fly kites

  74. go camping!!

  75. go skinnydipping

  76. swim with dolphins -or atleast tropical fish

  77. have a gurls night out (or boys) at least once a month!

  78. go 2 a fortune teller

  79. give people more than they expect

  80. believe in love at first sight

  81. build a snowman

  82. play on playgrounds!!!!!

  83. have inside jokes

  84. remember that just cos ur in pain -u dnt hv 2 b one

  85. dont be shy!

  86. forgive people

  87. dance in the moonlight (while singing along to the song!)

  88. hug sum1 atleast 1nce a day and twice on a rainy day

  89. make time for youself

  90. be with the one you love as much as possible ...dnt turn into a stalker though!

  91. go skydiving

  92. make the most of every oppertunity (-if someone asks if u wanna go black water rafting,...but it's ur annoying cousins bday....go rafting!)

  93. make everything a joke....(excluding funerals,)

  94. quit any nasty habits (like smoking! yuk!)

  95. stay as healthy as possible

  96. relive the goodtimes! (u dnt hv 2 do everything once,...lifes long enough 2 do it at least 3 or 4 times..)

  97. look after your loved ones

  98. don't settle for second best

  99. if life gives you ice.........GO ICESKATING!