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August 14th - The beginning

Damn can you believe it?? We've been together for a whole year! Thats crazy huh? It all started back in 6th period chemistry junior year when i did everything i could to annoy you. I pissed you off so many times! Remember pack day when i i was messing with you and i was telling your mom how you were so mean to me? Who would have thought i'd end up seeing her all the time?? i don't know what it was about you but i liked you...a lot, like i tried to ignore it at first but it just wouldn't go away and the more i bugged you the more i liked you it was nuts! once school was over i figured that was the end of it and my lil "crush" on you would go away and i'd never talk to you again until one day i get home and listen to the messages on my answer machine and i'm stoked and surprised to hear your voice. yea so i called you back about ali's birthday party and whatnot and one thing led to another and we started hangin out. i was stoked. all the feelings i had for you during school that i kind of gave up on since i didn't think i'd talk to you again came back like right away. remember that one time we talked for like ever that one night?? that was sick! remember when we went to the movies and we held hands? yea i know you remember that, i was stoked. i'm usually so shy but i wanted to so bad to see if you liked me at all or not so i went for it and it worked out perfect! after that i kept talking to jimmy and travis about you. i was all like dude i like this one girl but i don't know what i should do and like they kept asking me who you were and stuff and like i'd tell them about how we were in class together and all and like how everyday after i got home from work either i'd call you or you'd call me and we'd like talk for a while and they were all likedude you like her just ask her out and i was like yea, i think i will. that was the hardest thing for me i don't even know why but i just like was so nervous about asking you out. i'm so glad i did it though because it was the beginning of the best relationship/friendship i've ever had with anyone ever. i'm so happy about what we have going you have no idea. you are everything to me i love you so much! Baby you have no idea how happy you make me and how much better you have made my life! we' have done so much together and i will never forget any of it. our relationship is so special to me and i hope it means as much to you.

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