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Members - 0
Goal for Aug 1st - 0

Home Page

Monthly Story Award
Weekly Poem Award
Weekly Drawing Award
Weekly Joke Award


Poem Writting Hints
Story Writting Hints
Joke Writting Hints
Drawing Hints


Add-On Story
Other Links


Descriptive Word List
Monthly News Letter

Love to read? Love to draw? Maybe you want to learn how? Either way, this site is almost more then perfect. Not interested? Get interested! This is the place to start!!
As you can see, there is a bar to your left and one on the top of your page. The left one has links to more recent events, ex: contests, hints, fun activities, ect.. At the top, are some things like chats, galeries, and info about past activities. There is a link to e-mail me at the top left of each page, and you can return to this page by the link at the top of the left link bar!

The winner for this weeks
Drawing Award is No One!!
The winner for this weeks
Joke Award is No One!!
The winner for this weeks
Poem Award is No One!!
The winner for this months
Story Award is No One!!

Wednesday, July 23rd

This is the day I started my site...The other pages aren't going to get done, but I think my front page is turning out nicely! I'm still working on it, I might finish it today, but I'm not sure. Well, I'll update later!!

Amanda's Pictures!!!!