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Greiyian Order of the Crescant Moon.

Monday, 4 August 2003

Greiyi's basic belief
Greiyi. The belief of grey. I know I am speaking jibberish, but bear with me. I am Armand du Coudray. I am known as “The scourge of Wallachia.” I am a vampire, if you didn’t already know. The religion, Greiyi is a religion given to me by a certain, “Anton Greiyi,” also known as “Jack Black”, and “The Hierophant of the Underworld.” It’s laws are these, “Do as thou wilt, as all is evil, and good, and right. Be grey therefore, and live long, for whiteness kills the immunity, and blackness infects the soul.” Vampirism is a main part of Greiyi, psychic vampirism especially. Blood is too easy to get sick with, so please, do not practice it without first screening your victim. Here is the compleat law of Greiyi.

Here, are the laws, here is my word, obide by my word, and thy days shall be long on the earth.
Black magick is good, in moderation. Cleanse thyself of bad Karma before practicing it.
White magick is good, in little doses, balance your works so that thy magickal record reads grey.
Follow my laws of magick, honor Anton Greiyi, and Aleister Crowley, so that thy days may be long.

So mote it be.

For more information visit,

Posted by magic/armandducoudray at 12:45 AM PDT
Updated: Monday, 4 August 2003 12:48 AM PDT
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