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Aralis the Drow

It all started when i was about 63 years old. After my father murdered my mom, I decided that I didnt want to be a part of my family anymore.I ran away, never to be seen in the village of Starsplit again. I wandered the forest alone until one night I ran out of food that I packed and had to find somewhere to go. I stumbled upon a little deserted shack deep within the heart of the forest. I was hungry and tired so I decided to go in, even though I was a bit scared. To my surprise, instead of the inside being cold and broken, there was a fire blazing in the fire place and a whithered old lady was sitting in a rocking chair beside the fire. The shack was filled with a huge iron cauldren & lots of odds and ends . The woman looked up at me, her eyes gray and tired, but they held no warmth at all. She spoke and told me she had been waiting for me. The old woman's name was Drora and from then on she has been very kind to me. As you may have guessed, she is a witch. Drora never made me go back to Starsplit, instead she treated me as her child, never asking questions about my past. There was a catch though. Witches may sound nice and pleasent at first but she asked for something in return for her generosity towards me. I was a foolish child never wanting to go home, so I gave her what she wanted... my innocence. I now live my life as a drow, causing people pain and sorrow. Since I no longer am innocent or " just a nice little elf girl", I feel no remorse al all towards all the people I harm . No living thing can stand my touch. So if you are ever unlucky enough to meet me, beware.

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