My accounts

Name: Lin Anzu999.
Gender: Female
Joined on: 12/25/02
Neopets: CriminalGenius, Azul462, Yami154 and Kiauyu.
Neopoints status: hm.. rich?

Name: Teiyou
Gender: female
Joined on: 16th April 2003
Neopets: Aeiyou Estaia WoodlandCreature lannine489neo999
Neopoints status: poooor..

Name: Saiyura
Gender: female
Joined on: 29th April 2003
Neopets: Sadiani Deiye Alli Iasia
Neopoints status: Poooor...ish

Name: Anzu_Strife
Gender: female
Joined on: 6th April 2003
Neopets: StrifeSplash10280 LiLPoogieMan _Anzu_Mazaki_
Neopoints status: Poooor...ish


- about me

- a listing of my accounts

- a listing of my neopets.

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