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Wow! How time flies! It seems like it was just minutes ago that Bear was a little puppy that sat on my lap. Now, he's over 120 lbs and thinks he is all grown up! He graduated from Obedience Class with honors, and is now in show handling classes -- this helps maintain socialization. Bear also goes to the Farmer's Market on a regular basis and absolutely loves all the attention. He goes to parades and festivals ... anywhere there are lots of people!

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Anatolians have a double coat, the undercoat is blown twice a year. Here, Bear is losing his puppy fuzz and the longer, coarser overcoat hair is coming in. He should acquire a thick undercoat as fall approaches.
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At 6 month old, Bear has grown almost as tall as Bungee. The ear fuzz gives him a strange look, but will protect him with winter coming. Coloring can change dramatically during the growth years. Some ASDs will continue to have color changes throughout their lives. Bear has been to his first puppy match and, although he took second to his brother Ruh, he did an excellent job!

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Bear having experienced his first puppy match, is typically Anatolian -- wasn't phased by all the people and other dogs! He even showed the judge his teeth without a fuss! In fact, he behaved better than ever before -- I think he likes dog shows!!
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Starting to acquire a bit more mature look, Bear still wears his ear muffs!! The ASD is very slow to mature. They don't really begin to mature emotionally and physically until around 3 years of age. Bear can be quite the clown and simply loves EVERYONE! He hasn't read the standard yet, telling how aloof the ASD can be!

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Since Bungee had surgery for OCD, she prefers a soft place to sleep ... especially in colder weather. She continues to be gentle and tolerant with Bear.
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Anatolians often teach each other, and Bear and Bungee are no exception .. the "couch" is often shared, although Bungee usually has first dibs! Bear's markings have changed again ... he has finally lost his ear muffs too!

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Bear has changed considerably during the past months. At 14 months, he is a good sized boy. This is the same stone slab!
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Bear at 16 months is bigger than Bungee in every way, but is extremely gentle and loving. We have started working towards Therapy Dog Certification.

2010 Gypsy Anatolians. All rights reserved.
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