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Chapter 1

The night stood still, the howling of the wind the only sound. The trees whipped around with great force. All life ceased for the night as all succumbed to sleep. Silent footsteps crept down the hidden staircase, making their way to the darkness below. Keen eyes darted back and forth taking in its surroundings. A smile crept upon the face as it neared its destination. The eyes landed upon a door surrounded with an eerie glow. A hand reached out and grasped the doorknob, turning it slightly causing the door to fall open. The eyes brightened and the smile widened to form a grin. The silent steps crept towards the source of the light. Four orbs, full of energy, illuminated the tiny room. The figure stood before them, closing its eyes and to feel the power that surged throughout the room. Slowly opening its eyes, its hands reached out to grab the first. Just as the hand grazed the orb, it diminished and disappeared from sight. Confused and angered, it quickly shot its hands out to the others, one by one watching as they too vanished from sight. A low growl escaped the figure’s lips as it left the room and back into the night.

Teriador Dilgaro awoke with a start, his green eyes wide, and his senses on high alert. Something had happened, he knew for sure, but what, he did not know. He quickly arose and dressed making his way down the stairs to deal with the uneasy feeling he had in the pit of his stomach. As he approached the bottom of the staircase he saw movement at the corner of his eye. He turned and his gaze landed upon a tall, lean figure, dressed in a brown cloak. The man turned slightly to reveal a graybeard, Teriador recognized this person as his teacher, Master Cadwallon. He descended the rest of the steps and approached him, bowing slightly as he stood before him. Cadwallon looked up and acknowledged his young student. “You know there is trouble, you feel it in your bones as I have.” He replied in his baritone voice. “Aye, I have Master. Though I have yet to know the reason why.” Teriador answered, the feeling in his stomach increasing. “That you shall learn in do time my boy. I must meet with the council. All will be revealed once I return.” With that said, Cadwallon turned and disappeared through the entranceway.

Elsewhere just outside the Kingdom of Valinor…

The heavy beating of hooves upon the ground echoed through the forest as two horses raced down the path. “You have better keep up if you do not wish to get lost,” spoke the voice of a young man. “I would have beaten you if you had not cheated,” rang the voice of a female, with the hint of laughter present. The young man turned and grinned in triumph and a bit of mischief, “You speak nonsense. I never cheat, I can not help that I am a better rider than you.” The woman raised her eyebrow, “Step out of your dream world.” She smiled and they suddenly broke into a fit of laughter. Their laughter died down as the sound of drums touched their ears. Their eyes suddenly darted to the others, then swept over their surroundings, without speaking a word they hurried towards the Kingdom of Valinor.

They pulled their horses to a halt and dismounted, leading their horses into the stable. The woman slowly approached the stable boy. “Qualin, why have the drums been sounded?” The stable boy looked up at the woman and bowed his head slightly. “I do not know milady.” She nodded her head and turned towards her brother. “Alexander, we must return to the castle. I fear something terrible has happened.” The young man nodded and headed towards the castle, his sister in tow.

As they entered the throne room, the king arose immediately and started towards them, “What were you doing outside the Kingdom without proper protection at a time like this?” Alexander took a step towards his father; “We have done it almost all our lives. What do you mean ‘a time like this’?” The King’s face darkened, “The land is no longer safe. Be cautious of whom you speak and where you go. All in my Kingdom are to stay inside until further notice.” With that he turned and walked away. Noticing the distress on his sister's face Alexander placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "All will be fine Gwendolyn. Do not tarry on the subject." He offered her a warm smile, which she hesitantly returned. "Aye, you are right. I shall depart to my chambers." With that she turned and stepped through the door. Alexander ran a hand through his brown hair and sighed. "Whatever has happened, may it pass quickly." He then left to his own chambers to clean up after his ride.