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Merry meet and welcome to All Things Wiccan. I will be your hostess while you stay and browse my site! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Hetepet Ostara and I have been studying Wicca for about 10 years or so, when I figured out that the Christian religion was not a great fit for me. I have nothing against the Christian religion, but I do not agree with how it came to be or what it represents. The religion has been drastically altered throughout history and has lost most of it's original teachings.

On the page I would like to introduce you to the Wiccan religion and what it stands for. We Wiccans are not devil worshippers, nor are we evil. We have been cruelly judged and have paid the price for our choosen religion. Even in today's society we are harshly judged and this is due to a lack of education regarding Wiccan, or ANY Earth based religion. Wiccan is just a branch of the Pagan religion, which happens to be the oldest religion on Earth.

Many people believe ALL Wiccans use magic. But the truth is most Wiccans do use magick, but all magick users are not Wiccan. There are Wiccans who choose not to practice magick and that is fine with us. When I say magick I do not mean the hocus pocus you see on T.V., most of our magick consists of healing. Sure we practice spells for the benefit of others, but we NEVER use magick to harm. Our motto, and the first crede in the Wiccan Rede is "Harm none."

I hope you will learn much about Wiccan and what it stands for. I have put together this site so that old and new Wiccan's can come together to learn and meet each other. Feel free to contact me for any information on Wicca, I am happy to help anyone along their choosen path.

Blessed Be,

Bless Ostara

"The Dove of Peace flies from site to site, through as many countries as possible.
The Dove does not belong to any one belief system - she spreads a message of peace to all. Please help her continue her healing journey around the globe."


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