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Ailsa's Photos

Here's some photos from the end of term and Scotland !

If you click on the photos you can get a bigger version popping up, sorry if they take a while to load. If you want a decent quality copy of any just email me. (Oh and thank you to Simon whose site I just blatently copied the code for all this off x)

Chris finishing his finals!

BBQ in the parks

We can punt honest ! We just find the trees growing on the bank really interesting...

Jess with her dearly beloved Eric

Jenny finished her finals at last !

Our last dinner in hall Lucy, Laura and Jenny brave the culinary delights.

Jenny, Laura & moi in the quad.

Chris and Andrew scale the ??? boulders on the way up The Cobbler

Chris and I on top of our first Munro! (Beinn Narnain)

View down from Beinn Narnain

Simon at the base of a lovely piece of rock along Aonach Eagach ridge. Well, lovely until we realised we had to climb up it as well... (!)

Scotland film ends there for now I'm afraid. More to follow some time later...