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New: Lyrics section

Posted on 17-03-2003


Unreleased Ha2dar Ab3ed

Posted on 13-03-2003

Now you can enjoy one of the biggest hits that was supposed to be released in Allem Alby.

Enjoy Amr Diab signing Ha2dar Ab3ed, in front of thousands of fans in the great concert in 2002, Dream Park, Egypt


Special thanks to: Tamer Adel


Click here to download...'s new look is out!

Posted on 12-03-2003

Enjoy it, any comments or suggestions:


New clip out!

Posted on 07-03-2003


Elalem Allah Video Making

Posted on 03-03-2003


Habiby Ya Omri Remix

Posted on 26-02-2003

We added Habiby Ya Omri Trance Mix by CompuDJ, it's a very nice remix for this eastern-style song.
You can download it here


Hala Feb 2003 concert is here!

Posted on 22-02-2003


Amr interview on NILE TV, Tune Up!

Posted on 19-02-2003


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