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My Magic (Book of Shadows)


  Book of Shadows


Index for the Book of Shadows


1.  Wiccan Rede

2.  Wiccan Tools

3.  The Altar

4.  Candle Magick

5.  Incense

6.  Circle Casting

7.  Invocation

8.  Sabbats

9.  Spells


























The Wiccan Rede
(Full Version)

Bide within the Law you must, in perfect Love and perfect Trust.
Live you must and let to live, fairly take and fairly give.

For tread the Circle thrice about to keep unwelcome spirits out.
To bind the spell well every time, let the spell be said in rhyme.

Light of eye and soft of touch, speak you little, listen much.
Honor the Old Ones in deed and name,
let love and light be our guides again.

Deosil go by the waxing moon, chanting out the joyful tune.
Widdershins go when the moon doth wane,
and the werewolf howls by the dread wolfsbane.

When the Lady's moon is new, kiss the hand to Her times two.
When the moon rides at Her peak then your heart's desire seek.

Heed the North winds mighty gale, lock the door and trim the sail.
When the Wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast.

When the wind comes from the South, love will kiss you on the mouth.
When the wind whispers from the West, all hearts will find peace and rest.

Nine woods in the Cauldron go, burn them fast and burn them slow.
Birch in the fire goes to represent what the Lady knows.

Oak in the forest towers with might, in the fire it brings the God's
insight.   Rowan is a tree of power causing life and magick to flower.

Willows at the waterside stand ready to help us to the Summerland.
Hawthorn is burned to purify and to draw faerie to your eye.

Hazel-the tree of wisdom and learning adds its strength to the bright fire burning.
White are the flowers of Apple tree that brings us fruits of fertility.

Grapes grow upon the vine giving us both joy and wine.
Fir does mark the evergreen to represent immortality seen.

Elder is the Lady's tree burn it not or cursed you'll be.
Four times the Major Sabbats mark in the light and in the dark.

As the old year starts to wane the new begins, it's now Samhain.
When the time for Imbolc shows watch for flowers through the snows.

When the wheel begins to turn soon the Beltane fires will burn.
As the wheel turns to Lamas night power is brought to magick rite.

Four times the Minor Sabbats fall use the Sun to mark them all.
When the wheel has turned to Yule light the log the Horned One rules.

In the spring, when night equals day time for Ostara to come our way.
When the Sun has reached it's height time for Oak and Holly to fight.

Harvesting comes to one and all when the Autumn Equinox does fall.
Heed the flower, bush, and tree by the Lady blessed you'll be.

Where the rippling waters go cast a stone, the truth you'll know.
When you have and hold a need, harken not to others greed.

With a fool no season spend or be counted as his friend.
Merry Meet and Merry Part bright the cheeks and warm the heart.

Mind the Three-fold Laws you should three times bad and three times good.
When misfortune is enow wear the star upon your brow.

Be true in love this you must do unless your love is false to you.

These Eight words the Rede fulfill:

"An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will"




















Wicca Tools.


It doesn't need to be expensive collecting your Wicca tools. Many can be made by yourself. I feel they have more power when you have made them yourself, as you are putting love and time into them. Most of my tools were a family effort.

Athame-A two-edged knife, usually black-handled. Some witches use their athame only in circle to direct energy and never use it to cut anything, others use their athame for any magickal applications. Male symbol.
I use a fancy letter-opener that my Mum gave to me.

Bell-A feminine symbol, sometimes used to invoke the Goddess, to ward off negativity, or to invite positive energy. Some covens use bells during ritual to signify the beginning or end of a particular part of ritual or spell.

Boline-A white-handled knife used for cutting herbs, cords, etc.

Book Of Shadows- Witches book to keep all spells and information in. You can make your own.
Buy a ring binder, some material, batting, two pieces of cardboard, optional, lace, herbs, flowers, fabric paint. If you would like more instructions, just email me for more information.

Broom-Also called besom, the broom is used to literally sweep away
negativity and purify space.
You can make your own broom. Email me for instructions.
During handfastings, couples jump over a broom to solemnise their union. It is considered unlucky to move from one place to another with the broom from your original residence.
ie: buy a new broom for a new home.

Candles-Different coloured candles are used for different spells. They can also be used for divining, by staring into the flame. They are also used to represent the deities, the element of fire, and for illumination.

Cauldron-A symbol of woman/goddess. Can be utilised symbolically, for scrying, for an indoor "bonfire", or to hold items that are being burned. Also can be used for cooking, brewing, candle making, etc.

Censer-Used to burn incense in. A shell, a ceramic bowl, and others can be used as a censer- be sure to put some sand, ash, or kitty litter down first so as to prevent cracking.

Chalice-A female symbol, the chalice is used for the Great Rite, cakes and wine, or may simply be placed on the altar with water in it to represent the element of water.

Divining tools-Divining is a method in which a person can seek advice or ascertain possible events yet to take place. There are many ways to divine, as well as many tools used for divining.

Herbs-Herbs can be used for magickal purposes, such as in spells or sachets, or for medicinal purposes.

Incense-Burned to purify space, used in spells, burned to create atmosphere, sometimes just to smell nice! You can use stick, cone, or powdered.
The powdered form is burned on charcoal blocks.

Oils-Essential oils are used in magickal workings of all types, to dress candles or to anoint items, and can also be used for medicinal purposes. ex: eucalyptus oil rubbed on the chest relieves congestion, sniffing rosemary oil relieves most headaches. It is important to use only essential oils, not those that say essential fragrance. You can also just plain wear oils for the great smell, but use caution; some oils, like cinnamon, burn the skin if applied directly. Dilute them in a base oil, such as jojoba, first.

Pentacle-A flat disc with a five pointed star on it. Used to represent Earth, the elements, spirit, etc. Objects can be placed on the pentacle for magickal workings. You can make your own with any round disk. Carve a pentacle into the wood and paint or vanish it to protect it from being scratched or marked.

Wand-Also can be used for directing energy. Usual length is from the elbow to the middle finger. Some witches use dowel rods, others use ash or birch, others make wands of copper and set it with crystals.
I made mine with a piece of Willow tree, my son gave me.
Remember, try and use branches that have already fallen from the tree onto the ground.
If you have to cut a piece of the branch, give something in return, like water and thank the tree.
Rub the branch with a piece of sandpaper to make smooth, put a coating of wood preserver or varnish on it. You can glue a crystal to one or both ends, engrave a symbol, rune etc.











Image of altar.gif



The Altar


The altar or working space is the first thing you'll need in any magickal working. Ideally, you should have a special room for this, but few of us live in ideal situations.
Your altar can be as simple as a coffee table or as elaborate as you wish.

The ritual altar serves a dual purpose; it's a place to keep your ritual tools and materials; and it serves as a visual focus for your magickal work. Some traditions hold that the altar should always face the East, or the South, or in the center, etc., etc... Put your altar where it feels right for you. More important, put it somewhere where you will be able to see it easily, where you'll be able to reach the things you need to reach, and where you won't trip over it.

The right side of the altar is usually dedicated to the God. A red, yellow or gold candle, or an appropriate figure, is usually place there, as are the censor, wand, athame, bolline and a bowl of salt.
The left half of the altar is usually dedicated to the goddess. Tools sacred to Her are placed there: the cup, the pentacle, bell, crystal, cauldron and the bowl of water. An image of the Goddess may also stand there, or a green, silver or white candle can be substituted. The besom or broom may be laid against the left side of the altar.The cauldron is also sometimes placed on the floor to the left of the altar if there isn't room on top.

















Always burn at least one white candle to symbolize and reinforce the contact with pure spirit. Elemental spirit. Angels. Gods of wisdom, divination and prophecy.
Purification and cleaning on all levels, contact with higher self and spiritual helpers, (inner) peace, aura-healing, truth seeking, consecration, spiritual enlightenment, protection against negativity by raising your vibration, breaking curses, exorcism, meditation, divination, inpiration, clairvoyance, invoking spirits White can be a replacement for any other color your magick requires.

Elemental air. Deities for trade, travel, knowledge and magick.
Life-force, vitality, change, progress, contact, communication, trade, commerce, to persuade with confidence, joy, cheerfulness, learning, knowledge, mental clarity, concentration, memorizing, tests, speaking and writing, traveling, affirmation, visualization.

(Can be replaced by yellow)
Absolute authority, (self)confidence, creativity, perfection, solar energies, male energy, financial richess, investments, luxury, winning, worldly power, magickal power, overcoming bad habits/addictions.

Deities of good luck and fortune.
Attraction, charm, kindness, encouragement, stimulation, optimism, success, abundance, prosperity, feast and celebration, energy, achieving business-goals, investments, success in legal matters.

Love and passion, for positive relationships in love, friendship and business, career promotions, negotiations.

Elemental fire.
Deities of love, passion, sexuality and war (to stimulate a healthy portion of assertivity).
Great energy, courage, will-power, determination, speed, assertivity, aggression, masculinity, independence, physical strength, sports, competition, conflicts, health, sexual attraction and potency, love and passion, fertility.

(Can be replaced by the combination of red and violet)
Magnetism, to attract or speed up things, extra power, when immediate action and great spiritual power are needed, life purpose, life path.

Softness and tenderness, romance, caring, nurturing, for children, youth, peace, friendship, femininity, emotional love, emotional healing.

Elemental earth (dark green) and elemental water (blue-green).
Nature- and fertility-deities. Mother-goddesses.
Nature, fertility, growth, rejuvenation, recovering, healing, harvest and abundance, prosperity, harmony, balance, peace, hope, mother earth, home, herbal magick, plants and animals, counteract greed and jealousy.

(Can be replaced by yellow for the intellectual part, and green/copper for the social part)
Alterations, intellectual and intuitive insights, technique, inventions, originality, renewal, brotherhood, humanism.

Elemental water and elemental air.
Deities of the sea, truth and wisdom.
Peace and tranquility, calmness, truth, wisdom, justice, counsel, guidance, understanding, patience, loyalty and honor, sincerity, devotion, healing, femininity, prophetic dreams, protection during sleep, astral projection. .

Elemental spirit.
Gods of divination and prophecy. Angels.
Psychic abilities, divination, counter-acting negativity/black magick, reversing curses, psychic healing, psychic power, inspiration, meditation, spirituality, spiritual power, astral projection, third eye, compassion, counter-acting depression.

Elemental earth.
The planet-spirit Saturn.
Stability, grounding, conservation, protection of household, family and pets, healing animals, finding lost objects, material constructions (buildings etc.), material increase, to make relationships solid, to increase decisiveness and concentration, attracting help in financial crisis.

Neutralizing negative influences, erasing or cancelling situations, causing stalemates

(can be replaced by white or grey, depending on your magickal goal)
Female energy, cycles, rebirth, reincarnation, healing of hormonal imbalances, emotional stability, remove or neutralize negativity, intuition, dreams, psychic abilities and psychic workings.

Elemental earth.
Deities of the underworld.
Repel/banish evil and negativity, protection, banishing, binding, breaking free from bad habits/addictions, deep meditation, opens up deep unconscious levels.




Incense is very important in Wiccan rituals. It symbolizes fire, enhances spells, and is used as an offering to the Gods and Goddesses. It also creates the proper mystical atmosphere for casting spells and divining.


African Violet - Burned for protection and to promote spirituality.


Allspice - Burned for good luck and to attract money.


Anise Seed - Burned for meditation.


Basil - Burned for exorcisms and protection, it attracts fidelity, love, good luck, and wealth..


Benzion - Burned for purification and prosperity.


Clove - Burned for dispelling negative energy and stopping gossip.


Copal - Burned for purification and to attract love.


Damiana - Burned to facilitate psychic visions.


Frankincense - Burned to dispel negativity, purify, and attract luck.


Ginseng root - Burned for protection.


Heather - Burned to conjur beneficial spirits.


Jasmine - Burned for love, money, and prophetic dreams.


Lavender - Burned to induce rest and sleep and to attract love(especially that of a man).


Mint - Burned to increase sexual desire, exorcise evil spirits, and to attract money.


Rose - Burned to increase courage and to attract love.


Sandalwood - Burned to exorcise evil spirits, conjour good spirits, and enhance spiritual awareness.


Strawberry - Burned to attract love.


Vanilla - Burned to attract love, increase sexual desire, and improve the mind.


Willow - Burned to avert evil, attract love, and to promote healing.





Clean the area you will be working in
Some form of personal cleansing prior to ritual such as bathing. However a shower or even washing your hands & face will do in a pinch.
Gathering and arranging items needed for your ritual
Calling the 4 elements or quarters : East, South, West & North
Invoking the diety/deities of your choice
State purpose of ritual
Building personal energy and visualizing the intent of the spell or ritual. This can be done in many ways:

When energy has come to a peak it is released, sending its power to the ethers
Offering and ingesting a small portion of wine, juice etc., and cake, cookie or other baked good.
Thanking the diety/deities for their presence and releasing them.
Thanking the Spirits of the elements for their presence and releasing them : North, West, South & East
Grounding the energy
Opening the circle
Burying left over items (incense ash, charcoal block, water, wine, salt etc. in the earth. (If you can not go out side for any reason, have a pot of earth at hand that is used for this purpose and return it to the earth when possible).


The corresponding candle colours for the elements are :

East - yellow
South - red
West - blue
North – green








Things you'll need are:
4 stones (or candles) - brown - N, blue - E, red - S, green - W
and whatever altar/craft tools you use.

Set up alter facing east. Set down stones starting with North and moving deosil.
Light the candles. Set incense to smoking.
Touch athamé to water. Visualize the banishment of negativity and say:
I consecrate and cleanse this water
That it may be purified and fit to
Dwell within this sacred circle of stones
In the name of the mother goddess and father god
I consecrate this water.

Touch athamé to salt and say:
I consecrate and cleanse this salt
That it may be purified and fit to
Dwell within this sacred circle of stones
In the name of the mother goddess and father god
I consecrate this salt

Face north. Hold athamé out at waist level. Walk deosil around the circle perimiter charging It with your energy and words:
Here is the boundry of the circle of stones
Naught but love shall enter in and
Naught but love shall emerge from within
Charge this by your powers, old ones.

As you walk, stretch the energy into a sphere around area above and below ground.

When you are once again north, place athamé on alter and take up salt and sprinkle it around circle. Next censer, the southern red candle, and finally water. The circle is now sealed.

Call and visualize the brown North, blue East, crimson South, and green West.
O, Spirit of the [direction] Stone,
Ancient one of the [element]
I call upon you to attend this circle
Charge this by your powers, old ones.
The circle is complete.

To release the quarters, walk widdershins around the circle, starting North
Farewell, Spirit of the [direction] Stone
I give thee my thanks for your attendance here
Go in power.

The Circle is open, but unbroken.



Witches Rune


Darksome night and shining moon

Harken to the Witches Rune

East then South, West then North

Here come I to call thee forth.


By all the powers of land and sea

Be obedient unto me.

Wand and pentacle, cup and sword

Harken ye unto my word


Cords and censor, scourge and knife

Waken all ye into life

Powers of the witches blade

Come ye as the charge is made.


Queen of heaven, field and dell

Send your aid unto this spell.

Horned hunter of the night

Work my will by magick rite.


By all the might of moon and sun

As I do will, it shall be done

By all the powers of land and sea

As I say, so mote it be.

Invocation of the Elements

Air, Fire, Water, Earth,
Elements of astral birth,
I call you now; attend to me!
In the Circle, rightly cast,
Safe from curse or blast,
I call you now, attend to me!

From cave and desert,sea and hill,
By wand, blade,and pentacle,
I call you now, attend to me!
This Is my will, so mote it be!









Calling the Quarters

After casting a circle, face north and say:

"Oh spirit guaridian of the North,
Ancient one of the earth,
I call thee to come forth and charge this circle,
with the power of three and rock."

Next face East and say:

"Oh spirit and guardian of the East,
Ancient one of the air,
I call thee to come forth and charge this circle,
With the power of the winds."

Next face the South and say:

"Oh spirit and guardian of the South,
Ancient one of the fire,
I call thee to come forth and charge this circle
With the power of the Flame."

Next face West and say:

"Oh Spirit and guardian of the west,
Ancient one of the water,
I call thee to come forth and charge this circle.
With the power of the tides."

Turn to the North once again and say:
"Charge this circle with your power, Old Ones, for as above, so below."


The Blessing Chant

May the powers of The One,
the source of all creation;
all-pervasive, omnipotent, eternal;
may the Goddess,
the Lady of the Moon;
and the God,
Horned Hunter of the Sun;
may the powers of the Spirits of the Stones,
rulers of the elemental realms;
may the powers of the stars above and the Earth below,
bless this place, and this time, and all who are with you.



The Wiccan Holidays

Samhain (sow-in or sowen) - Oct 31st

Also known as Halloween and The Feast of the Dead, is the Witches' New Year. It signifies the end of summer, honoring the dead and temporary fair well to The God until He is reborn of the Goddess again at Yule. It's a time where it is said that the veil between worlds is at it's thinnest. Candles are lit and cakes and wine are left out as an offering to the dead. Altars can be decorated with colorful fall leaves, an apple and a pomegranate (if you can find one). Pumpkins are obviously quite popular as well. It is a time for reflection. A time to look back at events that have taken place in the last turn of the wheel and how you have grown from them. After your ritual, bury your apple outside as an offering. If you cannot go outdoors, bury it in a planter of soil. Colors are red, orange and black.

Yule-Dec 19 - 22

The winter solstice celebrates renewal and rebirth during winter. It is the shortest day of the year when the Goddess gives birth to the God which marks the return of the sun. Candles and fires are lit and small potted trees are decorated to welcome it's return. As Samhain represents death this turn of the wheel celebrates rebirth. If you can't make a fire you might want to get a Yule log, carve holes and place candles in it. Take every precaution to make sure the log doesn't catch fire. Colors are green and red. * Yule is commonly celebrated on Dec 21.

Imbolc (im-BULK) - Feb 1st

Also known as Candlemas, Festival of Lights, Feast of Torches & Brigid's day marks the lengthening of days and light encouraging the renewal of the sun. It is a time of purification. It's a traditional time for initiations into covens, self dedication and renewing your dedication. Seeds for planting are placed on the altar and a ritual is performed to bless the seeds. Some place a lamp or candle in every room to encourage to return of the sun. A dish of snow along with evergreens and candles decorate the altar. Colors are white, green and white, or blue.

Spring Equinox - March 21st

Also known as Ostara (oh-STAR-ah) is the beginning of Spring. The light of day and darkness of night are equal. The Earth is charged with the fertility of the Goddess and the mating of the Goddess and God compel the wilderness to do the same (Spring fever?). It is a time for new beginnings and letting go of things holding you back. A potted plant decorates the altar and a cauldron or bonfire is lit. Mirrors are displayed. The color is white. At this time of year it is traditional to wonder through forests, gardens and the like as a celebration of nature.



Beltane - May 1st

Also known as May Day is the time of fertility when the Goddess becomes pregnant of the God. The symbol of Her fertility is celebrated in ritual and feast. Witches joyously dance and weave the May pole which along with homes can be decorated with flowers, branches and other greenery. Wearing a wreath of flowers upon your head is also traditional. Fresh flowers are placed in the cauldron. Color is white.

Summer Solstice- June 19 - 22

Also known as Litha is when the powers of nature are at their peak. A great time for magick of all kinds when the Earth is saturated with the fertility of the Goddess and God. Bonfires are lit and leaped over encouraging fertility, purification, health and love. Cauldron fires are lit and mirrors used to capture the fire or sun. Altars are decorated with a ring of flowers around the cauldron which the athame is in. The cauldron being a Goddess symbol and athame God, this is a symbol of their union. The color is white.

Lughnasadh (Loo-nassa) - Aug 1st

Also known as Lammas or Feast of Bread is the time of first harvest and a time to give thanks for the bounty that the Goddess and God have given us. The days light grows shorter as the God represented by the sun slowly begins losing His strength. In this turn of the wheel seeds, fruit and vegetables fall to the ground for us and to ensure a good harvest next year. Special breads are made to eat and pieces thrown into the fire. We celebrate the warmth of the sun and the bounty of harvest in the food given to us as summer draws to an end. Corn dollies are made in Goddess and God shapes. The colors are red and orange.

Autumn Equinox - Sept 21st

The Autumn Equinox, also known as Mabon, signifies the second harvest often the corn harvest. The days and nights are again equal and the God prepares for His temporary slumber. Nature prepares for winter. As with every turn of the wheel, it's a good time to wander through the wilderness and attune with nature. Ritual celebrations often include apple cider and corn bread. Altars are decorated with things associated with fall. Leaves in their endless varieties and colors, pine cones, acorns etc. The colors are red and brown but any color associated with Autumn are appropriate.










-         Love Spells

-         Protection Spells

-         Money Spells

-         Healing Spells

-         Scrying Spells

Love Spells

- Spell to Regain Sexual Excitement between Lovers.:

Take a fully blooming rose, and chant:

Lovers, ________ and __________, side by side, Passion and desire fill your hearts and loins. May this night be one of great delight!

Scatter the petals in the bed and sleep with your lover in it, and make passionate love together. The next day, gather the petals together, and put them into two pink or red cloth (preferably silk or linen) and keep under each one's pillow.
This little spell will be an excellent tonic for those whose sexual excitement in a relationship is fading. Even better if performed just before a full moon, or in a moon travelling through Libra.


- Spell To Mend a Broken Heart

If you have been very disappointed, if you have broken up with a loved one and feel lonely and betrayed, Put oil of lily on a cotton ball, hold it in your hand go to a window, and look at the moon, waxing or waning. Now inhale the scent of the lily warmed by your hand and say to yourself:


I am never alone
I am surrounded by the love of the Divine Mother,
the Lady of the Woods and the Springs and the Flowers,
I am never forlorn
For I am loved by the Divine Mother
And she has already sent her blessings after me
I am never alone or forlorn
My ancestors' spirits watch over me.


- Bad Date Cleansing Spell

Okay, you just had a date that was a huge disaster, the Titanic of all dates. Such a date leaves a huge psychic slime stain. This spell will cleanse your aura and remove any ugly traces.
You will need:


Some salt (sea salt or rock salt)
a good broom
a dustpan

First, take off all the clothes you wore on the date. Throw them in the washer, and toss in some of the salt with the soap. Then scatter salt about your house or apartment saying:


Out, out
Thoroughout and about,
All good come in
All evil stay out!

Then take a shower and place a fist-full of salt on your head. Close your eyes. Let the salt dissolve in the water and run down your body, saying:


Out, out, Throughout and about,
All good come in,
All evil stay out!

Dry off and get dressed. Sweep your house, collecting all the salt you tossed around in the dustpan. Empty the dustpan out a window or door saying:


Out out,
Throughout and about,
Friends come in,
(date's name) stay out!

He's history...Anything he/she sends, return it with salt on it. Forget about him/her!


- Love Perfume

Add to your favorite bottle of cologne or perfume a few drops of musk oil, a pinch of ground coral, cantharides ("spanish fly"), brown sugar, cinnamon, and three rose petals. Shake well and then place the bottle in front of an image of your desired lover, or your chosen deity of love, for five days and nights. To attract a lover, rub some of the perfume on your forehead, breasts, and feet.

- Love Potion

In a small pot, put one cup of Spring water, 1/4 cup grapefruit juice, 1 teaspoon fennel, 1 teaspoon vervain, 3 pinches of nutmeg. Place the pot on a fire, or on the stove in a stainless steel pot, and bring it to a boil. Sit before the pot with a pink candle, and concentrate on the man or woman from whom you wish love, chanting his or her name out loud for thirteen minutes. Remove the pot from the fire and strain the potion through cheesecloth. Add a bit of honey to sweeten the potion and give it to the one you desire. Be sure to prepair and administer the potion on a Friday night.


- Spell to Forget an Old Flame

The old, nostalgic memories of past romances never seem to fade, though we do tend to forget the bad parts. When the influence of an old flame lingers, when the passion of a past and long-gone love refuses to die and keep interfering with the present, it is time to put it to rest. This spell will not eliminate the memories, but it will finally snuff the misplaced embers of a long-gone love.
You will need:

Nine black beans
A piece of black paper

At midnight, when the moon is almost black, get the paper and the beans and sit in silence, Fully remembering your old flame. Invoke your past passion, the feelings you still hold on to. Then, take up each bean in turn, say one line of the charm, and put the bean onto the paper. Do this until all nine beans are on the paper. Then fold up the paper.

The following are the nine parts of the charm to say, one for each bean:

1.       Soul of bliss, perfect kiss, gone...
2. Face so fair, gone...
3. Beautiful hair, gone...
4. Arms so cofortable and strong, gone...
5. Legs so long, gone...
6. Heart of fire, gone...
7. Loins of desire, gone...
8. Thoughts so fine, gone...
9. Aura divine, gone...


Take the bean-filled paper to a graveyard and bury it at night. Say:

Our love was true,
But it did not last,
Our love is gone,
It is now past.
Joy and peace to you and I.
The flame is gone And now: good-bye. Lethe, lethe, lethe.


- Making Beautiful Music Together

If there is not enough romance in your life, try this little spell to add that special exotic energy to an already okay relationship, or even to help a new one start off on the right foot.
You will need:

A new music CD or cassette
Sandalwood incense
Sandalwood Oil
Hot pink or magenta paper

Choose a really romantic CD that you know for a fact your SO will like, but choose one he/she doesn't own. On a Friday night, open the CD, light the incense, put some sandalwood oil on your body, and have as much fun as a person can have alone (use your imagination) while cluthing the CD to your heart, saying:

Sound of love,
Love of sound,
Bring it through,
Bring it round.
Eros Audiere!


Mark the top of the CD case with a pentagram, using the oil, then pass it through the incense smoke and say:

Full of lust, love and light,
Music of the heart fly free,
Fill us with joy and might,
As we listen, may it be tonite!

Wrap the CD in the pink paper and give it to your SO. Make sure you listen to it the first time together, and wear a little of the sandalwood oil. Play the CD again...
And make beautiful music together!

- Apple Love Spell

You will need:

One apple


Twist the stem of an apple. On each rotation call out a letter of the alphabet. Begin with A. The letter you call out as the stem comes off will be the initial of your true love. If you do not trust your luck, you can purposely pull the stem on a particular letter (this is called using your will). Once you have pulled the stem from the apple, hold it between your teeth and make a wish to be with that particular person. If you have pulled a random letter (not someone you have in mind), --say, S-- then ask the Goddess to bring this S to you.

The second part of the spell can only be performed if you have a particular person in mind. According to a Gypsy myth, the apple represents the heart. If you cut the apple in half horizontally, you will reveal the pentacle--the sacred symbol of the goddess and the human form. The Gypsy lovers would share these two apple halves , symbolically giving each other their hearts.

Offer half of the stem-plucked apple to the one you desire. If it is accepted, his/her heart will be open to your magic. However, a kiss must occur within thirteen hours after eating the apple. If you initiate the kiss, you have a good shot at winning your beloved's affections. If the other person initiates the kiss, you have already won his/her heart. If the kiss is mutual, the bond will last.


- The Venus Love Spell

This spell will bring true love to you, but only if the entire course of the spell is completed. Begin the spell on a Friday, Venus' day for love ceremonies, and repeat the ritual for seven consecutive night's.

You will need:
1 red cloth heart
1 red candle
1 mirror
1 white cloth
7 pins
1 scent of venus incense stick
Ylang Ylang oil

This spell is cast skyclad (naked) in absolute privacy. After a cleansing and relaxing bath, perfume your body with the erotic oil Ylang Ylang. Choose a magick area in your bedroom, lay out the white cloth and position yourself in front of the mirror. Cast a protective circle, light the red candle and incense, focus your sexual energy and chant:

I call to thee, beloved one,
To love me more than anyone,
Seven times I pierce thy heart,
Today the magick of Venus starts.
I bind thy heart and sole to me;
As I do will so mote it be.

Repeat the chant seven times, placing pins in the heart one at a time after repeating Seven times i pierce thy heart. Blow out the ceremonial candle and incense, leaving the pins in the heart until the following night.


A general spell to attract love

The cards are laid out in a stairstepp going down.

Perform this spell if you are yearning for a great love to enter your life. This spell calls upon arcane forces to bring the ideal man or woman to you.
The first card in the layout is THE STAR, showing powerful, unseen, and fateful forces opening channels to bring your ideal lover to you. The KNIGHT OF CUPS represents a person who brings love into your life, who involves you in an affair - the proverbial "knight in shining armor". According to some Tarot experts, the knight can represent either a male or a female. However, if you're calling for an ideal woman and are uncomfortable with the KNIGHT, then substitute THE HIGH PRIESTESS, THE EMPRESS,or one of the QUEENS. In fact, if you have a very idea of what you want your ideal man or woman to be, put any card you feel best represents your ideal mate in this position. THE LOVERS here uses it's literal meaning (the third card).
As accessories for this spell, obtain thirteen red candles (do not light these candles until instructed to, later in the spell). If you wish to use other accessories, include additional candles, flowers, crystals and gemstones, and cloth to lay the cards upon, in shades of red, the color of human love, or white, representing pure psychic energy.
Perform the spell at night before going to bed.
Do the following :

When ready, lay out the cards. First set THE STAR in place. After you have done so, spread out your arms and say:

I call upon all good spirits!
I call upon all karmic forces!
I call upon the wide-ruling powers!
Make smooth the way, that my love may be brought to me!

Think about your desire to enlist forces in helping you to find a true love, a soul mate.
Next, set down THE KNIGHT OF CUPS. Think about what you want in the ideal man or woman.
Finally, set THE LOVERS in place. Spend some time daydreaming about the sort of romantic adventures you would like to have.
When your visualizations are complete, take the thirteen red candles and use them to make a circle around your card layout. Light each candle, and then, with as much feeling as you can, recite the following affirmation.

I call for love, and love comes to me guided by the light of my flames.
Whether it be from near or from far,
My love is drawn to me.
I give love, I receive love.
Our love is passionate, our love is intense as flame.
Our love is long and lasting.
As I desire, so I have love, and so shall it be!

You may close the spell at this point by putting out the candles and putting away the cards or as desired.

To win the love of a certain person

The cads are laid out in linear fashion from left to right.

Perform this spell when you desire to awaken love in a special person.
The meaning of these cards are fairly obvious: your SIGNIFICATOR and the SIGNIFICATOR of your object of your desire are brought together as lovers.
As accessories for this spell, obtain thirteen red candles; do not light these candles until instructed to, later in the spell. Also, if you can obtain a photo or any personal belongings, or anything which has made contact with the person you are infatuated with, include these to lend focus to the spell. If you wish you can use other accessories in shades of red or white.
Perform this spell at night before going to bed.
Do the following:

When ready, lay out the cards.
First, set your loved one's SIGNIFICATOR in place. If you have a photo or something that belongs to or has touched that person, take it up at this time and warm it with your hands. Say that person's name aloud three times and try to hold his or her image in your mind for the space of nine heartbeats.
Next, set your SIGNIFICATOR in place, leaving a space so that you will have room to set the next card between the two SIGNIFICATORS. (Note: If possible, try to have the two SIGNIFICATORS facing each other. This means it may be necessary to have yours on the left and the other on the right.) For a few moments, concentrate on your own desire for the other person.
Finally, set THE LOVERS in place. Spend some time daydreaming about the sort of romantic adventures you would like to have with this special person you have in mind.
When your visualizations are complete, use the thirteen red candles to make a circle around your card layout. Light each candle, and then, with as much feeling as you can, recite the following affirmation.

With these cards and with this spell, these images take on life and give life to my desires.
I call for (name of beloved) and (name) comes to me, guided by the light of my flames.
Whether it be from near or from far,
(Name) is drawn to me.
I give love to (Name), I receive love from (Name).
Our love is passionate, our love is intense as flame.
Our love is long and lasting.
As I desire, so do we love, and so shall it be!

You may close the spell at this point by putting out the candles and putting away the cards, or as you desire.

-Love Spell

Take 3 grams orange flowers, 2 grams true lavendar, 1 gram rose petals, 1
gram jasmine, 1 gram ginger and grind them coarsly in a mortar. Use a
small piece of cheese cloth to put the herbs into and run a hot bath
placing the sachet in the running water. Once drawn, soak in this
pre-ritual bath with the sachet in the water and just relax and clear you

(Love wine - simmer or stew (leave in pot cold for 3 days) 2 cups red wine,
2 tsp rhubarb juice (which you can make yourself), 3 tsb Cinnamon, 2tsp
Ginger, 1/2 tsb nutmeg and 2 cloves scored. Also add one one-inch piece of
vanilla bean available from cookery shops scored along it's length. Simmer
for 1 hour or leave for 3 days and serve!)

In the ritual, have 3 candles - one white, one red and one yellow - on the
altar. Your source candle should be white and new (not previously used in
ritual) and lit well before the ritual. Have your charcoal on a bed of sea
salt scented with flower scents if possible. Have all you ingredients and
love wine ready.

Cast the circle using the "In love and light I cast the circle round. May
all within be safe and all ill intentions be only without. So mote it be."
Put the Love incense (2 parts sandalwood, 1/2 part basil, 1/2 part
bergamot, small amount of rose petals, a few lavender flowers, and a few
drops of those essential oils) on the charcoal and censor the circle and
return it to the altar.
Now, place the chalice with the love wine in the triangle of the 3 candles
and then light them using a beeswax taper while visualizing someone coming
towards you. See them coming towards you with their arm outstreached
towards you.
Now, crush the herbs for the love sachet first - 3 parts rose petals, 2
parts orange flowers, 1 part jasmine flowers, 1 part gardenia flowers - in
a mortar using a pestle. WHile crushing, focus on your goal. Next, tie
the herbs up in a piece of pink cloth. This should be worn to attract a love.
Next, create the love powder to sprinkle on bedsheets and around bedrom.
Finely crush 3 parts yarrow, 3 parts lavender, 2 parts rose petals and 1
part ginger. WHile crushing visualize that figure coming towards you
again. Please try not to focus on any one particular person as this limits
the scope of the spell.
Now to finish, take the chalise with the wine, the sachet and the powder
and pass them all through the smoke of the love incense. If this has
finished, ad a bit more. Drink the wine while chanting in your mind "Magic
wheel draw to my house the one for me to love."
Clost the circle and extinguish the candles. Sprinkle the powder, wear the
charm and love will come your way!


-Spell to Keep Lover from Another

Items needed:

1 candle to represent yourself (in appropriate color)
1 candle to represent your love (in appropriate color)
1 candle to represent the third person (in appropriate color)
If it is not known who the third person is-use a black candle to represent all colors combined
Sewing Needles
1 Red Candle
Dragons Blood or other Protection Incense
Cast a proper circle before doing any magickal work.
Inscribe the candle that represents you with your name.
Inscribe the candle that represents your lover with his or her name.
If the third persons name is known, inscribe the third candle with his or her name. If the name is unknown, you can inscribe "All Others"
Anoint your candle and your lovers candle with any type of "Love" oil.
Anoint the other person's candle with any type of "go away" oil.
On the candle representing the Other One, stick sewing needles throughout the candle where the letters are closed (ex: if there is a letter "o", place a needle through the "o").

Light this candle while concentrating all of the bad feelings this person has caused you. Place this candle in the upper right hand corner of your Altar.

Rid yourself of the negative feelings you charged the third person's candle with, and light the Protection Incense. Visualize what you want to accomplish with this spell. Call upon the Goddess for protection over the lovers.

Light the candle that represents you and say "This candle is (name). Her love for (name) burns eternal as does this flame."

Light your lovers candle from your candle and say "This candle is (name). His love for (name) burns eternal as does this flame."

Light the Red candle from the Lover candle and say "This candle represents (your name and his name)'s love for each other. No one shall make the other's eye wander. This candle binds together (name and name) eternally in love. Their love for each other burns as does this flame."

Let all candles burn down while concentrating on how much your lover loves you, and vice versa.

Throw into the garbage the leftover wax and needles from the other person's candle. (After cooling)

Put your leftover wax and your lover's leftover wax into a glass jar, seal it, and bury it within the Earth.

-To attract love

To attract love, use red or pink flannel or chamois for a bag. Place Venus-ruled herbs inside (catnip, mugwort, yarrow, etc.), as well as a heart-shaped piece of sun-dried lemon peel, a piece of red or pink coral, a lock of your own hair, and of any of the roots of love (Adam and Eve root, Beth root, ginseng root, John the Conqueror root, mandrake root, or orris root).

Consecrate the amulet by lighting a red, pink, or white candle and chanting a consecration spell. You can use your own or the one listed below this.

This will charge your amulet. Wear it on a white string or a gold chain around your neck. To keep the amulet charged, you should annoint the bag on Friday evenings using three drops of pink champagne, rose oil, or patchouli.

Concecration of an Amulet

Pass the bag through the rising smoke of a candle and/or incense appropriate to your amulet and say as you do so:

"By the four ancient elements
I do consecrate this amulet
and dedicate it as a tool
of positive wiccan magick."

Now consecrate it to the four elemental/directional spirits, saying:

"Ancient gods of the air, and all
elemental spirits of the east,
let this amulet now be charged
with the mystical energy
of your divine white light."

"Ancient gods of the fire, and all
elemental spirits of the sout,
let this amulet now be charged
with the mystical energy
of your divine white light."

"Ancient gods of the water, and all
elemental spirits of the west,
let this amulet now be charged
with the mystical energy
of your divine white light."

"Ancient gods of the earth, and all
elemental spirits of the north,
let this amulet now be charged
with the mystical energy
of your divine white light."

If you have tools to represent the elements and hold the bag up to the different directions you are praying to, it is a good idea but not necessary.

Finish off by blessing the goddess by saying something like:

"Blessed be in the name of the goddess
and in the name of her consort.
So mote it be."

Your amulet will then be charged and able to be worn as required by the specific spell.


-Attract Lover You Desire

Tools you will need are:

Protection Incense (herbs or oils work fine also)

Red 8" Taper Candle

This is a 3 day spell, and it is best to find a work area that you can leave untouched for three days. If you must put away your tools, try to at least keep your spell candle out in the open. This spell can be used for the type of the person you want to attract. It is never recommended to direct a love spell towards a specific individual. You may choose a ficticious name for the type of person you want to attract to make this spell easier. Read over this spell and customize it prior to use-the work will go much smoother. Prepare your work area by setting up any tools you may use in addition to your spell candle. Love or protection incense is recommended (herbs or oils can also be used). While setting up your area, CONCENTRATE on the purpose of your work. Do not let negative thoughts enter your mind!

Just prior to your work, bathe in purification herbs. While you are bathing, concentrate again on the purpose of your spell. Again, do not let negative thoughts enter your mind. After bathing, go to your work area. Light some incense and cast your circle. Envision a large, pink ball of light surrounding you and your work area. Hold the candle between the palms of your hands and direct all of your energy into the candle. Place the candle in its candle holder. Prior to lighting the candle, say (either aloud, or to yourself): "This candle represents the love between (your name) and (ficticious name of intended lover)."

Light the candle and say (either aloud or to yourself): "As I light this candle, the love between my intended lover and me grows strong. Our love is such, that all feels the attraction. As this candle burns, it draws us ever near. Powerful is the persuasion! (Intended lovers name)'s days are long and filled with yearning for me. (Intended lovers name)'s nights are long and filled with desire for me. To be as one, together, is all that (name) would wish. To be as one, forever is (name)'s immediate need. For no rest shall she/he find, until she/he is by my side!" Sit and meditate and concentrate on your intended lover and the desire that person has for you. Concentrate on your desire for your lover. When the candle has burned 1/3 of the way, say "My lover will come to me" and blow out the candle. Repeat this for two more nights. Your desire will come to you.


-Spell to dream


You can do alot with a lock of someone's hair, like using it as a way to channel energy to the person, kinda like a courier. I know one spell that involves hair, to make yourself dream of that person whose hair you have.

Place amethyst next to your bed. Place the rose pedal and lock of hair(the lock of hair must be the persons you wish to dream of) on top of the amethyst. Say aloud: "I wish (name of person) is in my dreams tonite." If you wish for this person to dream of you place a lock of your hair on the amethyst as well and say:
"I wish (persons name) dreams of me tonite."


-Spell for a broken heart:

Place dried rose buds (not open ones), rue, lavender, jasmine, mistletoe and lady's mantle into a red or purple silk or cotton pouch. Tie it with a matching ribbon and while passing it through the smoke of some love/aphrodisiac incense say:
"pouch of mine
lovers hearts entwine
no more
Heal my heart
For we now part
The pain I feel
I need to heal
be well"








































Protection - keeping yourself safe from harm

This spell is most effective when done a day after the full moon. Take a piece of silk, some silk thread (if available) in green or pink, some herbs of the following kind (but you don't need all): Juniper, Mugwort, Rosemary, Basil, Horehound, Trefoil, St. John's Wort, Vervain, Mandrake and one acorn or a twig of oak or a twig or rowan

I always feel it is best if the herbs are worked by hand but because of the harmful properties of some of the oils of these plants, if not dried I recommend a mortal and pestle only. Grind the herbs into a rough mixture, they do not need to be too fine.
Prepare you room or space for this protective working. If this is to be personal, the amount of herbs need only be small but preparation more extensive. If this is to protect a house, boat, car, etc. then more herbs are needed and a further ritual but quick and benign looking ritual needs to be performed.

Personal - Prepare your altar. Draw a bath to the temperature you prefer. In this bath, use some purification, exorcism or dragon's blood bath salts .
While you bathe, feel the protection water gives begin to seep into yourself. Then feel the protection earth gives through the salts seep into your very bones. When finished the bath, dry yourself and anoint yourself with some oil containing rosemary, geranium, or frankincense.
Light a charcoal briquette and burn as incense some frankincense, myrrh, or dragon's blood. While the smoke curls, create the sachet! Place the herbs in the cloth and sew the sides together as best as you can to prevent the substance leaking.
Now while you sew it together, chant out loud or silently "I bind this charm to protect me well". Once done, face each direction and say "Element of the empower my charm to protect me against all harm." Then when you return to the east say "I have created this charm to protect me against all harm. It's power has been created and now let it's work be done.". Now keep this charm on you at all times!


Banishing Spell


To be performed on the waning moon.

Tools: cauldron, black or white candle, basil and garlic, paper & black ink pen, black cord.

Cast the circle, invoke the God & Goddess, and state your purpose (i.e. I am here to banish the negativity I feel within me. Right now, the hurt that (name) has caused me is impacting my life, and I ask for the God and Goddess to assist me in banishing these negative influences and eliminating their destructiveness.)

Consecrate the cauldron by sprinkling with salt & water, and reciting "In the name of the Lord and Lady, I charge you to serve me within this circle. I clear you of all former influences and energies in order that you may be fit for the workings of the Magick herein."

Do the same with the candle.

On a piece of paper, write the full name of the person, and the associated negative feelings that they causse in you. Roll up and tie with black string. Sprinkle with salt and water and recite: "Thou creature of paper, by paper made, by paper changed. Thou aret not paper, but thou art negative influences caused to me. Take flight now, so mote it be."

Light the black candle. Burn the paper in the candle, visualizing all negative power over you vanishing in the flames and rising out of your world with the smoke. Sprinkle basil & garlic (for protection) over the flames and recite: "Blazing force of cleansing fire, help me in this rite. By air and earth, water and fire, So you be bound with this rite. Your power takes flight, sky and sea, cleanse me and keep harm from me. Cord go round, power be bound, your negativity will no longer come my way. Frowm hence forth, your power over me be banished. So mote it be!"

Let the paper burn itself out while visualizing yourself healthy, whole and healed.

Cakes and ale

Thanking of the God and Goddess

Close the circle, thank the Guardians for their protection.


Spell for protection

Make a sachet to wear around your neck. The colour should be blue or purple but make it a colour you can live with.

On the night of a full moon, blend these herbs together:
st. john's wort

by crushing them together with a mortar and pestle.

Leaving them in the vessel, hold them up to catch the light of the full moon and say:

"Moon of night
in fullness shine
bless this rite
protection be mine"

Then without touching it fill your pouch and wear it whenever you feel threatened. It also works if you keep it in your pocket.

Blessings of the light and darkness that follows,


Releasing Spell


This is for releasing. Many times we will not attempt things, magickal or not because of certain fears, or we have problems that have plagued us for years because we simply refuse to let them go. My Reiki Master calls this technique Letting Go. Here is the body of what you must do:

1) Find a sacred place, somewhere quiet, rustic (preferably outdoors), where you will not be disturbed for a long period of time.

2)Take the following items with you: candles (white and black), incense (sandalwood works greet, as does sage), food and drink (something light like fruit and water, or bread and cheese and water), altar items of personal choice, cleansing and concecrating tools.


3)Once at you sacred space, cleanse and consecrate the space then cast a circle.

4)Within the circle, light both the white and black candle, the white on the left, black on the right, and the incense. Sit comfortably in the center of the circle.

5)Begin by doing a breathing exercise, inhaling slowly, exhaling slowly, and do this til you feel your body relaxing and centering itself. (IF YOU ARE NOT FAMILIAR WITH CHAKARAS PLEASE CONTACT ME) Once you have aligned your chakaras, begin to focus on your intent.

6)Some questions to ask yourself are:
What are my fears?
What can i not let go of and why?
Do i fear FEAR itself, if so, can i release it as well?
What do i wish to accomplish here today/night?

7)Once you have defined what your intent is, begin focusing on that intent being obsolved. Obsolution of something is not always the finaliy of it. TO make this final, there is a chant one can do to their god/ess of choice.

It is as follows:

O Sacred _______(diety of choice), I come to thee and ask that you accept this ________(whatever intent you are releasing). Do with it what you will. I know longer have need of it. It is no longer important to me. I can let it go.

So mote it be.

Chant this three times. Each time feeling the intended releasing from your body more and more.

After the third time, continue to remain in your meditative state for as long as you feel necessary. Focus on your diety dispersing that which you released. Feel it being destroyed and never allowed to return to you. Our reward for this release is AWE. Everything we send out comes back to us....this will come back as AWE. Isnt that AWESOME???!!!!???

Once finished, you can eat and drink, keeping in mind that the gods have helped you this day, so offer them some of your food and drink. Once eaten, close your circle and leave the sacred spot. Come back to it often, whenever there is something else that needs to be released.







Ring of Protection


Place the ring in the West of the room you wish to cast the spell in. Place around it shells and symbols of water. Take the silver ring and in a shell filled with water mix some salt in. Say over this

"Creature of water, I bessech of thee. Protection from harm is what I wish for me. In to you this ring I place, bind the protection well and to evil give chase."

Leave the ring in overnight in the light of the full moon and in the morning wash the salt water off, clear everything away and wear it! To remove the spell, place it in earth in the north and say

"With thanks for protection given I now wish this spell riven!" and leave it there overnight in a window during a new moon.







































Money Spells


-To gain money

Done at full moon

Fill your cauldron half full of water and drop a silver coin into it. Position the cauldron so that the light from the moon shines into the water. Gently sweep your hands just above the surface, symbolically gathering the Moon's silver.

While doing this say:
"Lovely Lady of the Moon, bring to me your
wealth right soon. Fill my hands with silver
and gold. All you give, my purse can hold."

Repeat three times. WHen finished, pour the water upon the earth.


-Money Spells


Take 3 green candles, some money oil (see below for recipie), some money incense (again) and a pouch filled with some change (doesn't matter how much but all silver should be prefered). The pouch should not be spent to don't go putting too much in it!

Annoint the candles, your pouch and your receiving hand (right if you are right-handed, left if you are left-handed and whichever hand you usually use if you are ambidexterous) with the money oil. Now, light the candles while keeping your mind clear of all throughts but attracting money to yourself.

Pass the pouch over the flames of the three candles thinking of nothing else but attracting money to yourself. Next, light a charcoal and drop three drops of money oil on it. Pass the pouch through the smoke thinking only of attracting money to yourself.
Next, put the incense on the charcoal and again pass the pouch over the smoke thinking of nothing but attracting money to yourself.

Now, focusing on the pouch, see yourself being handed money into your receiving hand. See smiling, happy people who gain no hardship from giving you money passing it to you happily and freely. See money flying to you from all over and you receiving it into your receiving hand.
Now see yourself with so much money you can also hand some to someone else who also has need of it. See yourself so rich from this spell that it is no hardship for you to pass a bit of your money on to that person. See yourself always receiving money into that receiving hand as long as you have the pouch.

Now, allow the candles to burn down safely someplace but once you are ready to leave, pass your receiving hand over the candles and say:
"By moon's silver light, this spell be done.
By midnight light, this spell de done.
Money come to me, this spell be done.
I will accept all money which is sent to me, this spell be done.
I am ready to accept money, this spell be done.
So mote it be"

Money Oil

3 parts ginger
2 parts orange
4 parts pine
2 parts cinnamon
1/2 part chamomile
1 part cedarwood
5 parts jasmine (optional)

blend in a wheat germ base and add the following herbs dried:
jasmine bloom
orange blossom
pine needles

shake well before adding the herbs then decant into a small bottle. Add the dried herbs (not too much! Just one blossom or bloom and only a few pine needles) and allow to stand for 3 days.

Money incense

2 parts Frankincense
1 part cinnamon
1 part nutmeg
1 part lemon balm
1 part citron


Amulet for Getting a Job

To help your chances, fill a green flannel bag with gravel root on a night when the moon is waxing or is in the sign of Virgo or Capricorn.

Pass the bag through the rising smoke of a candle and/or incense (use a green or gold candle and any of the following herbs as a scent/incense: acacia, alfalfa, almond, basil, bayberry, birthroot, bistort, buckeye, cascara sagrada, chamomile, cinnamon, clover, comfrey, dragon's blood, fenugreek, galangal, garlic, ginseng, goldenrod, High John the Conqueror, honeysuckle, Irish moss, knotweed, lavender, lovage, luckyhand root, mandrake, mountain laurel, myrtle, nutmeg, periwinkle, queen of the meadow, red clover, skullcap, sea lettuce, smartweed, snakeroot, spikenard, squill, thyme, tonka beans, tulip, vervain, yellow dock... okay, so I know my herbs. :P) and say as you do so:

"By the four ancient elements
I do consecrate this amulet
and dedicate it as a tool
of positive wiccan magick."

Now consecrate it to the four elemental/directional spirits, saying:

"Ancient gods of the air, and all
elemental spirits of the east,
let this amulet now be charged
with the mystical energy
of your divine white light."

"Ancient gods of the fire, and all
elemental spirits of the sout,
let this amulet now be charged
with the mystical energy
of your divine white light."

"Ancient gods of the water, and all
elemental spirits of the west,
let this amulet now be charged
with the mystical energy
of your divine white light."

"Ancient gods of the earth, and all
elemental spirits of the north,
let this amulet now be charged
with the mystical energy
of your divine white light."

If you have tools to represent the elements and hold the bag up to the different directions you are praying to, it is a good idea but not necessary.

Finish off by blessing the goddess by saying something like:

"Blessed be in the name of the goddess
and in the name of her consort.
So mote it be."


Money spell

You need:

A green candle
a glass
a small bowl or saucer
some coins

Place the green candle in a small glass and place the glass in a small bowl or saucer. Place coins in the bowl neatly around the candle and glass. Bright new coins are best, the highest value you can spare e.g pounds. Light the candle and say:

"Money flow
Money grow
Money shine
Money mine"

Say it three times and leave the candle to burn out. Let it burn until there is nothing left. For safety you should snuff out the candle if you go to bed, but make sure you light it again when you are in.





Healing Spells.


Health Spell

To Banish Fever:

Inscribe on a red candle:


As you burn the candle visualize the fever being burned away with the flame. Before the candle burns all the way down, quench with ice water. The fever should disappear quickly.

To Banish Pain: (this spell is very old)

write on a piece of paper:

"An ant has no blood nor bile: Flee, unula, lest a crab eat you."

Charge, and wear around neck.

To Bless in All Ways:

Envision the person you intend to bless, concentrating upon this with your eyes closed, and speaking rythmically, feeling each part of the blessing as you think it.

"For you, through the power of the Lady, a helmet of light.
For you, through the power of the Lady, strength that is growing,
strength to strength, and ease and easeful sleep, and gladness spreading,
thankfulness spreading through all of your body, all of yourself, in the
power of the Lady, by the power of the Lady, through the power of the Lady."


Positive Action


I do not write this section frivolously, nor do I write it easily. Spells go against the Wiccan Rede "And it harm none, do what you will". Why, you may ask? If we carefully examine the statement "An it harm none" we see this key phrase. By casting a love spell, a spell to heal someone else, to punish someone for a wrong done to you, you are binding them to your will. Even healing, a seemingly benign thing to do, is binding that person to your will in that it is you will to see them healed, not theirs. With this firmly in mind, and a caution that love spells invariable fail for one simple reason - "whatever energy you send out comes back at you three-fold" ie. You fall in love three times as hard, here is an easy spell.

Positive action - writing a report, cleaning house, learning, working towards a goal

Take a white candle and some anointing oil. Depending on the desired result, you should choose an oil which corresponds to this end.
At the time of the full moon, cast a circle or just shut yourself away from all distractions and with the moon shining on your working area (if possible. If this is not possible, just visualise the moon while anointing the candle). Place the white candle (preferable a taper) on the altar with the oil. Cast the circle if you wish. Call the Goddess if it feels right. Now, anoint the candle. Should you wish, you can use a burin to engrave the candle with the spell itself. While you anoint the candle with the oil, speak these words out loud or silently
"Tonight the moon, tomorrow the sun. Let this power build til my will be done. Candle burn down to send my will. This spell be cast, for good, not ill."
And once you have anointed the candle, place it in a safe place to it can burn down completely, preferably in sight of the moon.


Spell For Internal Well-Being

1. Obtain a vial (about 100mL) of water from a steadily flowing river and put aside.
2. Light two blue candles and place at the north and south points of a circle.
3. Light two white candles and place at the east and west points of the same circle.
4. Scatter freshly picked lavender and crushed leaves of an iceberg rose evenly around the perimeter o fthe circle and sit within it, facing the north point.
5. Cross arms loosely over the chest and focus your awareness on the breath entering your body and slowly spreading through it.
6. Return your focus slowly to your environment and extinguish the candles using the river water, kneeling before each as you do so, in the order north-west-east-south.



























A Witch's Bottle

Gather Rosemary, needles and pins and red wine. Fill a small jar with these first three ingredients saying the following as you work:

"Pins, needles, rosemary and wine.
In this Witch's Bottle of mine;
Guard against harm and enmity;
This is my will, So mote it be!"

Visualize these herbs doing just that. When the jar is full, pour in red wine. Then cap or cork the jar and drip wax from a black or red candle around the seal.

Bury the jar at the farthest corner of your property or place it in an inconspicuous spot in the house.

The Witch's bottle destroys negativity and evil; The pins and needles impale evil, the wine drowns it and the rosemary sends it far from your property.


Spell for Flying


The following is a modern Witch's flying ointment recipe. It is safer to use and much easier to concoct:

o 1/4 cup lard

o 1/2 tsp clove oil

o 1 tsp chimney soot

o 1/4 tsp dried cinquefoil

o 1/4 tsp dried mug wort

o 1/4 tsp dried thistle

o 1/4 dried vervain

o 1/2 tsp benzoin tincture

Using a mortar and pestle, crush the dried herbs until almost powdered. In a small cauldron or saucepan, heat the lard over a low flame until it is melted completely. Add the herbs, the clove oil and chimney soot to the lard base and mix well. Add the benzoin as a natural preservative, stir together clockwise and then simmer for ten to fifteen minutes.

Strain it through cheesecloth into a small heat resistant container and then allow it to cool. Store it in your refrigerator or in a cool dark place until it is ready to be used.

On a night of the Full Moon, anoint your temples and Third Eye with a small amount of the flying ointment prior to astral projection or dream magick.

Dream Spell- To dream of a certain person

1 Chunk of Amethyst
3 Rose petals
1 Lock of Hair
1 peice of daisy Root
1 Drop Rose or Patchouli Oil (optional)
1 Pink Candle (melted so wax binds all togeather)

Take the amethyst, rose pedals, lock of hair, daisy root, and empower all of them with what you want them to do (in this case being dream magick of a lover or friend). Place the amethyst next to your bed, atop it lay the rose petals, hair(the person of whom you wish to dream of's hair), and
the daisy root. If you wish you may top it all off with rose or patchouli oil,and melted pink wax! To be done during the new moon, right before bed.While laying down before going to sleep, keep the thought of the person in mind.


Short Term Mind Spell


“bind and be, think like me
1 2 3 think with me 1 2 3 in your mind talk to me
if you see me if you don't
bind and be, 1... 2... 3...”


Levitation Spells

- First, You must make yourself lighter and you will fly.
- Second, You must push or pull yourself thru the air.

2 Spells (1 for each school)

Components Required
- You need 4 candles (yellow or white do not mix colors)
- You need a quiet place to begin.
- You need a down feather ( The smaller the better)

First you must place the candles in a circle one in each direcition. Perform a cleansing ritual and center yourself. Hold the feather in your non dominate hand (left if you are right handed, right if you are left handed). Feel it's life force its gift of lightness. light the candles. Start in the East and work Sun-wise (clockwise).
Enter the Circle and sit in a comfortable position. Facing the north.
Now, you must chant the following 9 times:

In the light I see,
In the dark I am blind.
In the world I walk,
In the circle I fly.
Next call to your spirit guide or God to aid you. Then clear your mind the feel the feather float in your open hand and lift with it AND NOW YOU LEVITATE.

Helpers to the Spell
- Performed at dawn
- Performed outside
- Add your own components and touch to the spell (it is just a guideline)


Components Required
- You need a rod or staff
- You need a place YOU can focus best in
- You need a Crystal (white quartz or obsidian)
First perform a cleansing ritual. place the crystal on the ground in front of you.
Hold the staff or rod out in front of you horizontally. Recite the following spell.

As stone is to earth
So staff is to stone.
Death and rebirth
Heart and bone.

May light fly,
I call away stone.
I summon you sky.
Call me on.

visualize as you see fit the pushing and pulling. AND NOW YOU LEVITATE.

Helpers to the Spell
- Performed at dusk
- Performed outside
- Use a staff and stone special to you
- Add your own touches to the spell (it is just a guideline)

The previous spells are hard at first but in time you will soar with eagles.
Be Careful not to forget the Cleansing It is VERY important. I hope these will help.