Doujinshi page!!
In all it's unspell-checked glory!
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Note: i can't read japanese worth CRAP.  all dialouge and storylines i provide are observation ONLY.
odds are, when i think they're talking about exploding things, they're talking about cheese.
I really wouldn't know. ^__^

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Story as far as I could tell:
Manga version Vash and Knives enjoy a nice little conversation with Vash holding a gun on Knives.  Some blonde chick i vaugly recegnize walks in on them, then makes a hastey retreat.  It's at that point that Knives decides to put the moves on Vash. They fondle each other's hair - the black part, i mean. For whatever reason, Knives has a black streak. i do NOT remember this from the manga anywhere.   Anyway, this leads me to think that they're talking about death (which is always a nice conversation starter), as i once read that the fact that the hair turns black is an indication that a Plant is dying.  They talk a bit longer, and Vash ends up napping against his brother's back. how very exciting. The next day, Wolfwood comes for a visit (knives has myseriously disapeared) and he and Vash also talk. JOY! Wolfwood then vanishes to make room for the return of Knives. Vash is again shown napping against him, leading me to believe that this whole wolfwood appearance was just a dream sequence.  Knives and Vash chat for a bit longer. and the story ends. facinating.  at least the art was good. -_-;;

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Story as far as I could tell:
Vash is on his bed with his left arm detached from his body and laying across his lap as he pokes it with a scewdriver.  Wolfwood comes in and watches.  Finally, he picks the arm up and studies it.... and out of the room he flies, arm in tow, leaving vash behind on the bed, armless and horrified!!  He gives chase, zooming  out of the inn he was staying at.  Wolfwood, meanwhile, is having a show and tell session with meryl and milly, who are AMAZED!  Vash apeares on scene, yelling at the top of his lungs, and away wolfwood goes!! once again, vash gives chase. This time, though, he threatens wolfwood's very life with angel arms. wolfwood wisely gives the arm back. then they talk for two more pages, and everyone is happy. the end. FUNNY. XD

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Story as far as I could tell:
Dilandau (a very YOUNG Dilandau, i must say...) appears to have been injured.  Folken has stuck him in a  bed to recover.  They talk - a conversation during which Dilandau is surrounded with floating roses and has the panting facial expression of someone recieving the best blowjob of his young life. (which he isn't.) Folken feels compelled to yank his cloak away and show off his wings.  Then he hears approching footsteps and decides that now isn't the best time to molest an injured underaged pyromaniac; he pulles his clothes back on, kisses dilandau's hand, and buggers off. there's a close up of dilandau's crotch and a feather.  Dilandau pickes up the feather and starts crying. for whatever reason, Allen's face floats past. The story then skips over to Allen and and Dryden.  Allen looks suspiciously sweaty.  Dryden looks very satisfied. and yet, both are clothed. ^_^  They chat for a bit.  Dryden must be a really boring conversationalist; Allen up and falls asleep during the talk.  Dryden feels that it's a prime time to molest Allen.  Allen howver, wakes up just as it's getting interesting. Luckliy, he doesn't seem to care. they kiss. and on the next page? NAKED!! whee! and there the story ends, unfinished and ubrupt.  hmm.

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Story as far as I could tell:
The scene seems to take place in the ruins of Fanelia, during that part of the series when Folken saves
Van and Hitomi from a random dragon.  Only Hitomi has conveniently gone missing in action. Maybe the dragon
got her.  Anyway, Van's venting - all yelling at folken for being a traitor, I'll wager. Undaunted, Folken shoves Van
up against one of the broken walls and french kisses him, then pulls away.  Van looks confused. ("dude... aren't you my BROTHER?")
then decides "what the hell?" and goes in for seconds.  And his pants are the first to go, followed closely by his shirt.  Out
pop his wings, and the two procead to go at it like rabbits.
Next thing you know, the story has jumped backwards to that part where Van's on the bridge after chasing folken through Asturia. (you know, when folken's preaching about how fighting begets fighting and the slaughter begins anew.)  Van again yells at him, and Folken again grabs Van.  They fondel each other for a few pages, and the folken goes back to kissing mode.  Van loses his pants. (dontcha just hate it when that happens?)  Then poof! they're both in the carriage with van's head resting on his borther's lap.  he looks extreamly guilty. then he says to himself, "when the HELL am i doing?! this isn't how the story's supposed to go!" and flys out of the carriage like a bat out of hell after giving folken a quick goodbye kiss.  apearently, he hurt his arm doing that. i guess that sort of thing is bound to happen when you jump out of a moving vehicle, eh?  Then he stands there and crys, and folken reminices about nekked van.  and then out comes a bunny!! O.o;; and that's the end of THAT story.

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Story as far as I could tell:
....okay, THIS one is confusing as hell. characters just fly all OVER the place with no rhyme or reason.  I shall attempt to make sense of it anyway, though.  Kurama keeps flickering back and forth between shuuichi kurama and youko kurama.  the two kurama's go nekked and youko briefly molests shuuichi.  Hiei appears and punches a crater into the ground.  mukuru drops by and says... something... then buggers off.  shuuichi kurama pops by again.  he whips out his rose whip, and hiei whisks out his katana, and for a moment, it looks like the two are about to spar. but no.  shuuichi turns into youko again, who then grabs hiei and hugs him. then... faints.  hiei hugs him, kisses him, then drags him into a handy dandy cave and stuffs him into a convinient bed.  then he grabs the side of his head and looks as though the little voices are finally driving him insane.  skip to koenma looking bored and boton looking pregnent.  a brief flash back to hiei as a baby being chucked off the koorime cliff. or floating island. i can't really rememeber. he fell a long while, though.
moving on, shuuichi kurama talks to hiei while hiei pets the stll sleeping youko kurama's hair. another huggy, and youko turns back into shuuichi. ANOTHER hug. hiei looks embarrased, and shuuichi ponders mukuro. and then there are a bunch of floating fowers! and the story trails off into nothingness.
now we get to part TWO.  kurama (shuichi version) and yuusuke are standing in the snow looking sad. for whatever reason, kurama goes youko and  up and smacks him good with his rose whip. and then he's shuuichi in the forest on a nice summer's day! hiei pops by. the two chat for all of two pannles, and then hiei snaps out his hand and tries to strangle shuuichi kurama. he opts instrad to kiss him. (smart move.) next thing you know, the two are naked in bed. hiei looks pissed off, thinks of mukuro, and sneezes. (yeah... she has that effect on me, too.)  a half naked kurama floats by. and back into the forest!  hiei and kurama argue for a while, then hiei shoves kurama against a tree and waves his katana at him. kurama grabs the blade and forces hiri to stab him with it. (the hell?!) hiei's all "oh no!!" and kisses kurama to make up for it. for some reason, chains apear out of no where and clasp onto kurama. kurama looks happy. and the story ends.
i have NO idea what just happened, here.....

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Story as far as I could tell:
(I have difficulty telling who's who in this one. bear with me.) james and sirius (?) attempt to have what looks like tea. for some reaspn, they have difficulty with this, and go to harrass lupin, who's attempting to get his homework done.  Everyone takes a break to molest eggplants.  there is a closeup of a bag of every flavor jelly beans. snape appears. for whever reason, james decides to lick him.  snape is horrified. the story moves on with james taking a marker and drawing a harry potter style zig-zag on his forhead.  everyone ponders this. he then goes on to play with his wand and gives (peter? remus?) afro-hair with it.  snape looks on, offended.  then dumbledor drops by and stops ther fun.  james and some other dude look at a picture of a frog instead.  for a moment, thre is karaoke, and two of the boys go nekked. there is joy. and then the story segues of harry potter's generation.
harry's got the sorting hat on his head. draco looks less than amused. snape appears looking vexed. for some reason, an ogre appears, and hermione punches the hell out of it.  theee people with afros run by smacking tamborines.  this makes ron attempt to fly. he fails mizerably and falls. hermione looks annoyed by this and slaps him. the story ends with harry having gained a good sixty pounds and me feeling as though i've missed something.