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i LoVe YoU, bAbY

My FaVoRiTe ThInG aBoUt YoU aRe...

Jose, I just want you and to know that i love you so much and you are my everything... We have been through so much in the time that we have been together. This has brought us closer, made us stronger and helped us trust in each other. You are the person that makes me smile everytime I see you or even think about you.I still cant believe how happy I am that I am with you and how you have touched my life in every possible way. When I was little I always asked GOD to give me someone to talk to, or someone that understands me, a best friend. I know now why he made me wait so long, he was making you perfect just for me. And all I can say is im glad i waited. You are special and derserve everything good in your life. And I want the world to know how lucky I am to be with you and to have someone as wonderful as you. TE AMO MUCH, MI AMOR!!! LOVE ALWAYS<3 tAmErA
