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 Welcome to Our Website

Thank you for downloading this template, if you like this template please let me know, if you have any idea's please let me know also.

This Template is Linkware meaning you must keep the link at the bottom intact, no reason not to, I find many sites without it, I provide my Free Templates at no charge so you can have a decent looking site, All I ask in return is the link at the bottom. If your running a busniess it might be professional not to have it, so in this case I allow you to remove it at a charge of $15 US for this template which is a fair price.

This template is provide as is, on an as is basis, I will not be held responiable for the use of this template, or if this template cause harm to your computer, if you computer decieds to fly out into space, this is not my problem. All graphics, can not be re-produced in any manner, unless due credit is given, you CAN NOT under anyway sell this template, if you want rights to sell this template, or use any graphics, in this template for your company, then you must pay me $150 US.

I can also customize this template for your site at a charge of $70 US, that includes meta tags, links any graphics you may have, logo, and content for one page only.

Please follow these guide lines, cause if I keep finding sites without links, I will have to stop making Free Templates.




Designed By L & J

Copyright © 2003-2004 Muffin & Cupcake All Rights Reserved