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Jessie's Home Page

The Crestlakers!! There are many times in a persons life that you just want to go into a hole and curl up, and never come back out. Then you look at you family, or friends and you realize all that you have to live for. For me the people that I look to when i want to crawl into one of those holes are my crestlake family. Dont get me wrong, I love my real family soooo much, but there is such a difference between your friends and your family. I can turn to my crestlake family, when I dont feel like I can talk to my real family. There are many time like that and everyone knows it. My crestlake family is one of the best families that I could ever ask for. They are there to have fun with, they are there to cry with, they are there to tell you when you messed up, and they are there to tell you when you have done something great. They are even there to tell you when you have something in your teeth. I am sooo greatful to have a family like that and I wouldnt know what to do with out them, because of this I wanted to have some shoutouts! Jayme~I love you so much. I dont know what I would do with out you. You are definitly the mommy of the crestlake family. And I know that you will not be the Flying Nun forever you are going to find someone that you really love and that loves you too. (JAY STOP MESSING WITH MY PLANTS) Jessica~ You are my lil sister, and you are a big part of my life. I love you too, and I am soo glad that you moved down here and that you are not still in pa. I know that HE will be home soon and then I will have to get everyone out of the house for you. lol Caitlin~ I know that we have nat spent the same time together that we used to maybe it is for the best though, and you know how much it hurts me to say that because I love you so much, and I wish that we could spend every minute together. I know how much we have been through together, and you will always be my best~friend, and that will never change, and no one will ever be able to take your spot in my heart. Serena~ Michelle~Andrew~Weenick~ Josh&Shane~Chase~James~Marcus~Jay~Johnny~Neps~Steven~Bridget~Lil Sam~

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Music, games. chat, and a search engine, what more could you want!!
