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Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop~941~New Orleans, La.

Haunted Ole' Bar

This 210 year old building is known for being the fifth most haunted building in the world. Many sightings of Jean Lafitte and his brother Pierre Lafitte and also a beautiful ghost lady of whom lives in the upstairs aprtment has been sighted.

Located at 941 Bourbon Street at the Corner of St. Philip Street. This 18th century cottage is one of the oldest in the Quarter. ... Jean Lafitte and his cronies operated a blacksmith shop here as a front for their vast, illicit operations and slavery.

There is also a New Orleans voodoo tour that leaves from here each evening. The tour guides dress to fit the part.
There is a piano bar here and everybody stands around and sings songs.
One thing we like about the courtyard here is this concrete fountain that depicts a couple lying together in a brick pool.We call them Adam & Eve since the woman is holding an apple behind her head.

Picture in the Courtyard at Lafitte's Bar

My Ghostly experience at Lafitte's Bar
I am a vocalist and sing at Lafitte's quite often with pianist Johnny Gordon of whom has been playing his piano there for ten years. One night I was in the bathroom sitting on the commode. The lock is broken on the bathroom door soI was holding it by a square piece of wood where the latch used to be. Someone yanked the door as I was holding it tightly closed. I said "Someone is in here". The door yanked again very hard as I had to hold the wood tightly to keep the door shut. It happened for a second time and I repeated my words again but, this time a little louder so the intruder woudld let go of the door, and stop yanking it against me trying to open it. Again a third time it happened. I figured some drunk woman must be hard of hearing or just in a stupor, so I flung the door open; to my surprise no-one was there. Well, realizing I had a ghostly intruder I ran out of the bathroom as fast as I could pull my panties up. I ran out to tell my pianist friend Johnny all about my ghostly encounter.

The Ole' Bar

© by Madame Blue
All copyrights reserved