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Ok So I am going to do this page slightly (very slightly) different from the other one, and have updates at the bottom...

Last update... June 9, 2003

When Fanny (from Tübingen) came to visit I nabbed a photo of her and other MAc students out in Hel@§$%&* platz (ok, so I forgot what it is called). Hitler gave a big speach here after he got control of Austria. He had always wanted to be part of the nobility here, so he picked part of their residence for his podium.

My arrival in Vienna

My introduction to Vienna. Ok, so it is mostly more information about my classes, but hey I am studying here.

Ok, so I ended up making a website about my classes too, and here it is Class

A few new Plays! Theater this is a short bit on all of the plays I am seeing here (mostly for class).

Vienna A few pictures from around the city.

During my spring break I went back to Tübingen for a few days. Then I went to visit my brother Brian in Villingen-Schweningen. Here are a few pictures from my stay in Germany. And then I went to Italy with Jenny and Jerusha. Now I have pictures from Italy. First from Florence. Then from Sorrento. Then from Pompei and lastly from Venice.

After returning from Spring Break in Italy, I had a week of classes before I headed of to Prague with my study abroad group. Once again I am confused as to which name I should use. Prague in english, Prag auf Deutsch and then Praha is Prague in Czech. Anyway here is Prague, Prag, Praha.

After getting back from Prag, we had two weeks of school before we left agian. This time we went to Berlin.

At some point in time we all went to this nice cafe/bakery in the middle of Vienna. This cafe has special Marzipan cakes. They make busts of famous people. Since we do come from Macalester, and Macalester is obsessed with Kofi Annon, and this cafe had a Kofi Annon bust, we had to take group pictures there. So here is the group of us posing with a cake.

We also took a day to study Viennas country history. It has a very hard day. It started out with a difficult bus ride in an over crowded bus. Then an boring tour with no excitement. Then the worst part. They made us visit a farm to taste the farmer's harvest. And all in one day. (ok, so I am being completely sarcastic, it was really cool, take a look)

So after my classes finished (or almost finished) I looked up at my bookshelf and I see five books in English. What could they be? They are Babylon 5 books. And I am thinking, "Those are not mind, but they are in English, lets read them." After I finished reading them. I thought, "I should give these horrible books to their rightful owner." So I visited Danka.
