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New Video Game Study

Things Video Gaming Can Do For You

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In the recent study of how videogaming affects childrens' brains, scientists went in with a hypothesis that video games have a negative effect, they came out thinking the opposite. Amazingly enough, videogaming lowers the rate of depression. Scientists believe that because of the pleasure recieved, from playing these games, releases a pleasure-causing chemical into your system. This chemical is known to normal people as happy gas, scientists call it NOK5. NOK5 helps to even the chemical imbalance that is believed to cause depression. A second study proved that videogaming makes you more intelligent. This is because of NOK5, when combined with EVG, another common chemical in the brain, the new chemical, EOG5, stimulates the brain. This gives that particular child a longer attention span, giving him/her the ability to do well in school and other academic activities. Video games are not good all the time, though. If a child plays video games at an average of over three hours a day he/she will become used to the pleasure NOK5 is giving his/her brain and is more likly to become depressed. The child will probably do worse at school too, for the same reason (except the child will become more used to the chemical EOG5).