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Link's To Some Kool Sh!t...and music link's free MuSiC...but gotta be into Trance*n*Dance...and music videos

get all the cool downloads here from securaty to tweaks
ok this site has some cool voice pack. but nothing comperad to X-pack
5150 voice pack...nice
nappybase... the home of where the mod was created
a nice little site where you can download.. starwars skins,mod,& texture pack..
everything for tribes... note..some...of the link's & downloads don't work :-(
he has some cool map's
Tribes 100% Free Full Game
ok...this have some very cool music d/l them just right click on a picture and (save target as)
another cool site with some music videos

ok sorry not updated in a long time ....lost my user name and password....but i had a brain wave well that dose not happen a lot...thought i would...add some links to some music videos hope u like.... please ppl leave a message...tell me what u want to see more off...or what u dislike about the site.... +DA+Rob_uk..... please come on leave a message. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So Finally had another bain wave lol. its been 2003 since any updates on this site, tbh i forgot i had this site. God i miss the good old days playing on T1 Nappy Mod. with the NHOP,SA,DA: guys & gurls. i know hardly any of the links work now. and back then as u can see i didn't know how to make a website. lol and i still don't, so when i can find the correct disks if i ever find them. i'll try and u/l some pics from back in the day. i don't play Tribes any more. after T1.. i bought T2,TV,& even own the new version on Tribes. But nothing quiet compairs to "T1" for me back then. playing on a Pentium 3 With onboard Graphics, I loved the bad graphics. Playing on a " 56K Modem " Playing on the "Nappy House Of Porn" Server with a 500+ Ping. & i totally loved it. I would go back to tribes T1 if it had a massive game following but unfortantly it dosnt. now i play COD,Arma 2,LFS,The Sims yea i know kinda gay lol.After Rob_Uk i changed my Gaming tag to "Trance" like the music. i was gonna call my self HardStyle but it was to long lol. I played COD:UO for about 6+ Years. I'm gonna keep this site as T1 coz it was my first & only site & it brings back some epic memorys. if any of u remember me me from T1-Nappy Mod & wanna add me as friends I use Xfire & Steam. Xfire: trance620 Steam: wfcxtrance
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