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The Blonde Bombshell
Hit List:
Everything On Here Was Made By TIFFANY For ME and ME Only! If You Would Like Tiffany To Make You A Banner Or A Layout, Feel Free To Email Her At OR OK?! She Would REALLY Appreciate It If You DON'T Steal Her Work And Claim It As Yours. Just Ask Her For Help.. She's Not Mean! She'll Be Glad To Help You.. After All.. She Helped Me, Didn't She?!

“mOBSCENE” by Marilyn Manson blares through the speakers as the lights go out. The red and orange lights fill the arena and Trish Stratus stands on the ramp. The lights come back on and she looks around the arena smiling.

*~*Lillian Garcia:*~* Making her way down to the ring, she is the Chief Of Staff, Trish Stratus!

Trish walks down the ramp sporting a black leather pants and black combat boots that match her tight black low cut shirt and a trench coat. She walks to the side of the ring and climbs the steps. She walks on the apron and enters the ring through the middle rope. She walks into the ring, getting a mixed reaction from the fans. She takes off her jacket and throws her arms in the air and taunts the fans. Cameras flash and she continues taunting the fans. She goes to Lillian Garcia at ringside and grabs a microphone. Trish’s music stops and she puts the microphone to her lips.

*~*Trish Stratus:*~* Tomorrow night, I get into the ring with Torrie Wilson, and Suraug, Victoria, and a mystery opponent with Stacy Keibler as the referee. Now, all these divas, I know have talent, and I know they all want the Woman’s Champion badly since Stacy stole it away. Seeing as Stacy is the referee for the match, every single one of us are going to at least get screwed over by her! She doesn’t know how to count to three, and if she did, she wouldn’t count fair! Stacy a fair warning to you, if you do not count fairly, I promise you, you will have a lot of problems with the other divas, and if you intend on screwing me over, I’ll personally make sure you regret every second! Now that you’ve become CEO for whatever reason I have no idea how you got the job, it seems like you have become a mute, just like everyone else that works backstage in the WWF 182. Well good, its about time you gave that voice of yours a rest! All that bi†ching and whining and complaining was getting old, its time you realized that you aren’t the best around here and as long as I’m here, you wont be! Torrie, tomorrow night we’ll give them a show like we always do, but don’t get all psycho about getting the belt and all, because like myself, you don’t need a belt to prove any thing! Suraug, welcome back, but one thing that hasn’t changed since you disappeared is me being at the top of my game. I’m still the best at what I do, and if any one says different, they can answer to me!

Trish pauses to gather her thoughts.

*~*Trish Stratus:*~* Edge and Christian, you want to side with Stephanie instead? Fine, no big loss, it really shocked me to know you were from Canada because out of all the good things that came from that great country, you two weren’t two of them! Its only a matter of time till you realize your mistake, until then, try to make my life hell, I dare you, because what you are forgetting is that I make matches too and I can just as well make your life a lot worse than it already is! You think you have some kind of fashion sense? Well who ever picked those outfits out for you guys should really be fired! Its pathetic the way you guys bow down to Ms. McMahon and the way you take her shi†, defiantly not Canadian style! Look at Jericho, he doesn’t let any one control him and already people fear him! Jericho and I are true Canadians, you two have been Americanized! You pose no threat to me and I am just waiting to see what your next move is to embarrass yourselves is going to be!

“mOBSCENE” re hits and Trish Stratus makes her way backstage. She walks towards her locker room when Terri approaches her.

*~*Terri:*~* Trish can I have an interview with you, I have a few things I’d like to address!

*~*Trish Stratus:*~* Sure Terri why not?

*~*Terri:*~* Last week on Raw you had a big match, you faced Chyko for the World Championship and at the end of the night, you weren’t champion but the Rock was champion and he wasn’t even in the match. What’s your feelings towards that?

*~*Trish Stratus:*~* I’m pretty pissed off about the whole thing, but I’ve got other things to worry about right at the moment. I cant dwell on a loss to Chyko, and as for the Rock, I’ll be coming for your belt real soon! But the main reason for my anger is Axel. He had no business being there! He screwed me out of the match! Axel, as soon as Jericho finishes you off on Raw, you are going to have me to deal with! Title or no title, we will have a match! This time, your little buddy wont be here to help you just like you helped him, but then again, he was too drunk off his ass to remember you even had a match!

*~*Terri:*~* Speaking of matches Trish, you yourself have a match for the Woman’s Championship that is currently vacant and Stacy Keibler is the referee. What can you predict from this match?

*~*Trish Stratus:*~* Honestly Terri, I’m not sure. I completely forgot about this match, it was the least on my mind. If it weren’t for Ric Flair I probably still not remember it. The Woman’s Championship means nothing to me, I’d like to see Torrie reclaim it if anybody. She’s been cheated out of it, and she was a great champion.

*~*Terri:*~* What about Suraug? You both were once allies a couple of moths ago-

*~*Trish Stratus:*~* Get this through your little head Terri, that wasn’t me! Remember? As for Suraug, I wish her luck too, her and I have always shared the fact that trusting people is a waste of time. That ‘friends’ always secretly meant betrayal and getting screwed over. I guess that’s what her and I have in common, but I seen that she has found a companion in Oblivion, but not even a week has gone by and he’s tried to kill her. If she doesn’t take that as a warning, she better be careful around Sting, he’s out to get the whole federation! I guess my only though to her is, make sure he doesn’t screw you over.

*~*Terri:*~* What about your alliances?

*~*Trish Stratus:*~* My alliances? I have none! Its better that way Terri!

*~*Terri:*~* But what about you and Torrie Wilson?

*~*Trish Stratus:*~* She is the only exception. Everyone else can kiss my ass, the only alliances that would be formed with myself and anyone one else would be just because I have power, and let me point out, I know how to use my power! The Hardy Boyz I thought were two guys I could trust, but again, I am betrayed by them. Where are they now Terri? Not here it appears! It was foolish of me to believe that even for a second they would stay, but we learn from our mistakes don’t we Terri? Now, if you don’t mind, I have a few things I need taking care of.

Trish walks away from Terri sort of hurt a bit over mentioning the Hardy Boyz and walks into her locker room and shuts the door behind her.