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The Den of the SniperFox


Anyone whom has visited this site before will definitely notice I've changed it... a lot. I felt a little lazy so I downloaded a layout made by someone else that I liked. The credits for this layout are a bit further down the page. The links on the Menu do not work yet except for the ones not marked as "link", so don't report to me that I have broken links. Okay? I already know. lol

Update: 2005 - Aug 23

Once again it's been a long time. Much has changed once more. BnT Clothier has been renamed to Moonlight Tailor and Silk, as I am no longer in the BnT guild. (And not to mention, I had to restart my characters) but anyways... I had a reason for leaving the guild. And I have my views upon different types of guilds after seeing two great guilds suffer great damage all thanks to end of game instances. Please have a look at my article in the link "Guild Views of the SniperFox" which explains in full depth my view on guilds, why I refuse to join other people's guilds, and why I dislike what I see what is happening with guilds. I have setup a forum so that you can leave your comments to me. HOWEVER, do NOT bitch at me until after you have fully read and understood what I have said. If you're only going to flame the article, or contradict everything I have said "just because you disagree with me or don't like me" then just keep your damn mouth shut and mind your own business.

Update: 2005 - Jun 2

Made level 49 in World of Warcraft finally! I can't believe it has been so long since I updated this site... it's amazing it's still here. Anyways... Finally made use of one of my links. Made it to Tailoring 300 so I'll be posting popular tailoring items and the materials required to make them. Just look for the link "BnT Clothier" off to the side.

Update: 2005 - Feb 15

I know there is not much to look at here yet, but here is what I'm planning to have up on this site very soon:

NEVERWINTER NIGHTS - Sharing with you a few of my adventures on the game Neverwinter nights including screenshots in game.

WORLD OF WARCRAFT - I've moved on to the game World of Warcraft. My adventures are few at present, but starting the section early wouldn't hurt.

MORE ABOUT ME - I might add a few things about me in here. Though I won't get too personal. (Disappointed? LOL)

Anyways, that's all for now... Until next time...

M. Braeijn

I did not create this layout. If you like this layout, you can download this one, and many other really nice designs by clicking the button below.

-Website Forum
-Guild Views of the SniperFox
-Moonlight Tailor and Silk