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I see you have found this little corner of the internet which I have created.... I'm sorry to submit you to this horror which I have created.... but if you say I have no life for making this site.. I will have to say... you have no life for viewing it.

Proceed with caution. The following site contains images and/or language and/or ideas that may frighten you, and/or even make you go more crazy than you already are.... you have been forewarned.

Enter At Your Own Risk

Also... do not take the below warning lightly

© Skit 2003 All right reserved. If you copy or imitate any portion of this site (even the bits I copied)... I will hunt you down and rape you, then rape your dog, then eat your dog, then shove something sharp and pointy (no...not my dick) through your heart and then eat you too!!! Do you understand?