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The Hunt

Welcome to The Hunt, a new RP that I am creating. In this RP you will choose a species, class, starting items (2), and starting specialty. The Species' are as follows:

1. Human, all around good.

2. Elf, fast, quiet, intelligent but not that tough or good at fighting.

3. Dwarf, very tough, good at fighting, smart, very slow and noisy.

4. Orc, fairly tough, very fast, very dumb, fairly good fighting.

5. Centaur. the fastest by far, fairly quiet, very smart, not very tough or good at fighting.

Here are the Classes:

1. Warrior, ups fighting stats.

2. Rogue, makes you tough

3. Scholar, makes you intelligent

4. Thief, quiet

5. Horseman, very fast

Here are the starting Item choices:

1. Long Sword, +2 close range fighting, 1 handed

2. Hunting Bow, +2 long range fighting

3. Spear, +3 close range fighting, 2 handed

4. Broad Axe, +4 close range fighting, 2 handed, 2 items

5.Leather Armor, +5 toughness, -1 speed

6.Chain Mail, +8 toughness, -3 speed

7.Plate Armor, +12 thoughness, -6 speed

8. Dragon Scale Armor, +18 toughness, -7 speed, counts as 2 items

9.Wooden shield, +5 toughness, 1 handed, -1 speed

10. Metal shield, +7 toughness, 1 handed, -3 speed

Those are not all of the items.

Here are the specialties:

1. Weapons Master, +10 fighting

2. Scouting, +5 speed,+5 stealth

3. Wilderness Expert, +10 Toughness

4. Intelligence, +10 intelligence

Here is how battles are done:

Fighting skill minus toughness equals damage done to defender. If it goes into negative then the attacker is hurt that much.

An attacker's speed minus the defending speed equalshow many chances he has to do damage before the battle. For every point more than the defender then I will role a dice. If the face number is even he does damage if it is odd he doesn't do damage. For every stealth point more than the defender he has one point that he can restore to his health. He is, in essence, "dodging" the opponents attacks.. This can all be reversed for the defender much like the fighting skill can be. You can have a maximum of 6 items on you at one time. One in each hand, armor on your torso, a helmet, boots, and a necklace. Necklaces come into some of the random quests you can pick up along the way.

Intelligence is used in the fighting against "computer" players. Randomly throughout the game enemies will appear. They will be different depending on where you are on the map. The higher intelligence you have the more people will give you quests (they consider you intelligent enough to take on the quest) an the fewer enemies will appear (you can think up plans to evade them. You can of course join "The Hunt" and 10 random enemies will appear for you to battle.

To sign up you must also e-mail with your Race, Class, Specialty, and Items.


THE HUNT! Main World Sign-Up Board