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On the resources page click on the links so your team can complete the following. 

1        Practice- AAA Math Website

       a)  Each team member should complete the following.

      b)  Choose 7th grade.

      c) Complete 10 problems and print the report sheet for “Addition Sentences with 3 Digit Numbers.”

      d)  Complete 10 problems and print the report sheet for “Subtraction  of five Digit Numbers”

      e) Complete 10 problems and print the report sheet for “Long Division”.

      f) Report sheets are to be handed in  for each  team member.

2        The Three Glasses

       a) Complete the three glasses problem as a team.  Record the fewest number of steps to solve this problem.

3        Figure This Math Challenge

      a) Each team member is to complete the four math challenges.

      b)  Record your answers

      c)  How do the team members answers compare?  Did you  need to use the hints?

4        Games for you to Review

       a)  Each  team member is to follow this link to find and play one Games, Puzzles, Problems, Brain Teasers or More Fun site that they liked and think other seventh graders would like.  No team members should review the same site.

      b)  Each  team member should include this review in their report.

5        The Lemonade Stand Game

     a)  Each team member is to complete the Lemonade Stand Game.  Each member should record their net profit/loss.

      b)  The team is to compare scores and discover which strategies earned the most profit.

      c)  After the  discussion on scores and strategies,  the team is to complete one game together.

      d)   Compare the team score to the individual  scores. 

      e)  Record if there was an increase in profit and what strategies helped your team increase the profit.

      Your final step is to prepare a group oral presentation on the strategies that enabled each member of your team to increase their profits.