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MAoC is a free will guild. But there are some restrictions.

1) if asked by anyone of higher, lower or same rank you must swear to tell the truth and honor those who deserve it..

2) be true Show honor and loyalty to you Guild and respect your higher ranking officers.

3)All MAoC Secrets must remain in MAoC meeting hall. Nowhere else must you speak of these secrets. if convicted of telling these secrets you MUST enter a DM (death match) with the highest ranking member of MAoC (( rezzes are not allowed))

4) All Spar logs should be kept and saved for audits when reaching D90. it is best that you hold a copy in case our records fail (PC crash)

5) All members of MAoC are required to send in a Biweekly report stating your spars and your recruits. if it matches up with that we have on record you will be rewarded. call it a job if you will if one misses a week they will lose strength audits or memory orbs if you will.

6) TLA ( temporary leave of absence) if on a TLA it is required that you inform the high council of your leave (( IC and OOC))If for any reason you vanish for more then a week with no word of a TLA you will be removed . one may rejoin but will start from scratch.

7) slavery is not recommended but is legal slaves must be listed in your biweekly report on there condition. all slavery logs are to be sent to the GC for final validation if said to be valid then you and the person slaved will get a report of the dates no slavery is permanant.(limit of one months time of holding bonds)

8) Ressurection limitations. Each member of the lands holds 3 ressurections per life span. if you were ressurected to the point of 3 times then you are no longer permitted to be ressurected. any healer that proceeds to heal someone past the 3 mark will be removed from the clergy for good. ressurections will be posted on roster.

9) All false dice uses will be striped of there dice and Blacklisted with in 3 forums and Guilds. in which remain a MAoC high council secret.

10) all divisions must respect there DC and the high council as if they would respect there parents (( or atleast should respect them))

11) Cross RP will not be excepted in MAoC if found Cross Rping you could be suspend or have a loss of dice (5-15 sides)

12) keep all IC comments IC do not assume a persons Charri thinks the way there mun reacts.

13) any and all mun comments no matter what should remain in IM's, unless it is for all to see. If found in apropriate for what is happening in the room then you will be suspended from the room.

14) Do not under any circumstances mock anyone for their RP style as in calling them a noob. we look to train them to be better if it gets bad then teach them do not make fun of them or cause any issues within the lands. if it is to the breaking point bring it up with the GC and they will work with the person.