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~*~ B.O.R.E.D ~*~
Monday, September 20, 2004
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: I need a lala bye!!!
Topic: Live Journal
I am so bored! There is nothing to do, I tried calling Ryan and he didnt answer his phone! Grr! Lol... I am sick as hell, I got a really bad cold, but I cant miss any school! Today I found out that I have a F in science, it sucks ass...Apparently I didnt turn in my vocab, but he thinks he remembers seeing it...What is that suppose to mean????
I wish I was talking to Ryan right now, he makes me feel better when im sicky! Lol...
Well I am super tired and I think I am just going to go lay down and see if Ryan calls me tonight!!
ZzZzZz Nighty-Night ZzZzZz I <3 This one Guy!

Posted by Lauren at 8:47 PM EDT
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Friday, September 17, 2004
Football Game
Mood:  flirty
Now Playing: Kiss from a Rose-Seal
Topic: Live Journal
Today was awesome, Ryan looked so HOTT!! Lol...I went to the game after school and I was hanging out with John and Amanda Cech...They are so awesome. Oh there was Kyle W. and Chelsea, Kyle is obbsessed with Chelsea, it is so cute... I think Chelsea might like him too!
Well anyways, more on Ryan, lol! I mean he looked so hott today... He was wearing this grey shirt and it made his muscles look so big! Oh my god is he sexy!!!!! But you know, hes sexy/hot/really hot, and I am me...Normal(short, fat, and unpretty)...
Oh my god do I miss him...I remember when we were going out I loved his arms, I mean I loved everything about him, but his arms and his eyes I could just die for! I want those arms back...Lol *tear* I <3 R.M.M ( his code name is this one guy )

Posted by Lauren at 10:54 PM EDT
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Tuesday, September 14, 2004
??? I dont know ???
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Hoobastank
Topic: Live Journal
I am so congfused at the moment...Everything is mixed up and backwards...Today for parctice I had to go gothic because T.j, Greg, Dawn, and Devin were making our "Horror of the Hour" drumline... And i saw Ryan, and for some reason I flipped...I looked so BAD, I mean my hair was all spiked and my makeup was black, i didnt look like me!!! It was weird!! But anyways, his friend Kyle was yelling at me for some reason...I think it was because I said lets work harder boys, but I was kidding around because they work there ass off in football and I know that!!! So...CONFUSED??? But I still care alot about him, and I needed to go sleepy like 4 hours agao but I am still up!!!

Posted by Lauren at 8:20 PM EDT
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Monday, September 13, 2004
Mood:  d'oh
Now Playing: People laughing at me!!!
Topic: Live Journal

Posted by Lauren at 10:10 PM EDT
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I think I am...
Mood:  mischievious
Now Playing: Metallica
Topic: Live Journal
Today went kindof different...Ryan and me talked in the hallway for a total of 4 minutes, all together, that wasnt bad! I really miss him lately, ever since we have been talking it seems like...I dont know, like my life just got better! I never knew one person could change your life so much... Its weird! I am just hoping the relationship between us gets better, because I really do care alot about him! He means ALOT to me!!! And people say alot and then dont mean it, but I mean it!!! I AM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!!! I am feeling a little devilish!! need to go be sneaky!! *tip toes away*

Posted by Lauren at 9:53 PM EDT
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Sunday, September 12, 2004
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Shake Your Tailfeather-Nelly
Topic: Live Journal
Today just seemed to be alot better then the rest of the days this week. I went to work with my aunt Heather, we work at the same place, not like I was tagging along! Well anyways, we were doing 93 cruising after these guys on choppers, it was awesome! She thought they were cute/dead sexy, but to me they were to old...Now Ryan on a chopper is another story...Lol...Well I am super tired, work ass off today, came home ate, and wathced tv... FUN!!!! Then I talked to Ryan for like a max. of 20 minutes...So now I am tired and its time for sleep!
ZzZzZzZzZz Look at me sleep ZzZzZzZzZzZz

Posted by Lauren at 10:24 PM EDT
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Aunt Heather's Birthday
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Maroon 5
Topic: Live Journal
Today wasnt bad...I am still a little upset about yesterday! But today was my aunt's birthday party so I had to put on a smile for that...Lately I have really been thinking about my life, and if I were to die tommorow kindof thing, what I would have to say I did for myself! What is it that I have done for myself???? Thats the big question, the one that gets me every time!! Well I am sitting here with my little sister, and she is bugging me to look at these dollz things so...I am out for the night...
ZzZzZzZzZz Sleepy!!

Posted by Lauren at 12:14 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, September 12, 2004 10:30 PM EDT
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Friday, September 10, 2004
Mood:  blue
Topic: Live Journal
I am so sad right now...I dont know what's going on...Yesterday was a football game and I dont know some how Ryan thinks that I like his best friend Justin...I dont know, now he wont talk to me barely, everytime he does he hurrys off the phone or yells at me...I dont like Justin like that, hes just a friend! But you know people hear things, missunderstand them, then tell someone, then get that person mad at you, and that person fucks you over again!! So I dont know!! I dont see how some people can do that though...Say you like someone else and they know it...Are they in my head??? Because somehow I think I know how I feel!!!
ZzZ Bad Times...To bad they cant go bye fasta ZzZ

Posted by Lauren at 10:41 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, September 12, 2004 10:32 PM EDT
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Sunday, September 5, 2004
Feeling a little Icky
Mood:  sad
Now Playing: Little Violin
Topic: Live Journal
I am feeling just really down at the moment...School starts in two days! Summer went by so fast, and the thing that bugs me is, that I am single! I guess I just am not ment to have a boyfriend! I mean I really like someone and I know it probably wont happen! I shouldnt doubt it, but right now I am just BLAH! I wish that I could just meet the perfect guy, who loves me, and cares about me, and wants to be with me...And doesnt try to change who I am! I guess I am just waiting for Mr.Perfect again!
What I want in a guy:
Sense of humor(can always make me laugh)
Attractive(doesnt have to be Fabio)
All around nive guy
Doesnt try to change who I really am
Loves/likes me(not just a booty call)
Perfect monent: The guy comes to your door at like 9pm when your having a bad day and just trys to cheer you up!!!!

Posted by Lauren at 7:14 PM EDT
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I am so HAPPY!
Mood:  loud
Now Playing: Nothing...
Topic: Live Journal
The party was so awesome! Chelsea got asked out by Justin Stroebel, so now those two are going out! There so cute! Chelsea and I were on the phone to Ryan and Justin from like 12:00pm until close to 3:00am...They are so funny!
Chris came to the party yesterday, now that was a little weird! Ryan doesnt like Chris, I dont know why, but he doesnt! But I dont like Chris either! Lol...Hes a player!
Well I am cooking lunch for the Clan! Spaghetti and corn bread! Lol...Yummmy!!!

Posted by Lauren at 12:10 PM EDT
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Saturday, September 4, 2004
Mood:  hug me
Today is my party! I am so geeked! My best friends Chelsea spent the night last night and is helpng me get ready for the party today...I AM SO EXCITED! There are so many people that are comming...One kid from a different school, keith...He needs to come! Ryan is comming, the life of the party! Lol... Him and Kyle and Jake...Those three guys could get you laughing no matter what! Well getting ready to clean the pool...SWIM TIME!!
<(00)>...^(00)> tirby wants to swim! STROKE

Posted by Lauren at 2:07 PM EDT
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Friday, September 3, 2004
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: The Cha Cha Slide
Topic: Live Journal
Tommorow is the party! I am so excited...I only have like 10 people comming but still, thats something! There are 3 people there that already told me they like me...Now thats the challenge, what am I suppose to do? I need so advice!
The one guy I have liked and went out with already, and I still care alot about him and want to hook up with him again! And the other 2 just like me, the one kid met me at a football game! Lol
I am hopeing nothing happens though, like a fight, because the one kid would definately win over the other 2, and it would be messy! Maybe I should just invite the one kid that I like....And the other 2 uninvite? I dont know...So confused! ~~HELP ME~~

Posted by Lauren at 2:02 PM EDT
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Thursday, September 2, 2004
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: H.I.M
Topic: Live Journal
I wish school would start sooner...There is nothing to do around my house, all summer has been basically a totally drag...Although in *2* days I am having a end of the summer party with a couple of my friends! Hoping to have some fun there!
I recently participated in some fun football games
( trying to make it seem interesting )...One of them was a kid who i liked was playing, and the other was his brother! lol Well I am outy for the night...Have to go finish some poems!

Posted by Lauren at 11:53 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, September 3, 2004 12:08 AM EDT
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Friday, August 27, 2004
Bomb Fire
Mood:  party time!
Now Playing: HeadStrong-Trapt
Topic: Live Journal
Have you ever had one of those day were you don't know if it is exactly good or wasn't totally bad? Well today was like that. I went to my best friend Chelsea's bomb fire/pary...I wasn't bad, but Ryan was suppose to be there but he was at his dad's house and then my friend Kody came. It was fun and all but I was really kindof sad that Ryan could'nt come...But oh well there is always another time... Well I am typing this and it is like almost 1:00am so I am heading to bed for the night! ZzZzZzZzZzZz

Posted by Lauren at 11:56 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, September 3, 2004 12:08 AM EDT
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