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-| Kyung Nam Kim |-| Toronto |-| 16 |-| CTS | -


Finally, the layout is complete! I accomplished it with some help from Sherry but for the most part, it was my creation. Designs and the layout are all copyrighted by K Nam Industries and yes I did draw them. Though, the first drawing doesn`t appear to resemble Bruce Lee to much, let`s just say that, that`s me, in five years. Pictures, of some of my respected and loved members of my life are to the left and from here on, are my thoughts and issues. Enjoy.


// Jesse G. (Eng. Name)
// Kyung Nam Kim. (Krn. Name) [K Nam K]
// Year of the Rabbit and Zodiac sign is Aries.
// Full blooded Korean, I think.
// Born in South Korea.
// Living in Toronto.
// Animation,if you hate,you don`t have the slightest clue.
// relationship.


Bruce Lee, the man we have all come to know and love. His philosophies are timeless and his fighting is unforgettable. First mastering the art of Gung Fu and then creating Jeet Kune Do, no one was able to stop him. Even today people compare him to the top fighters in the world. While he’s instructed some of the finest martial artists, he has also directed and acted/fought in some of the greatest movies of all time. These movies are now undying classics, just like his legacy.


Be formless, shapeless like water. Now if you put water into a cup it becomes the cup, you put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle, you put it into a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow, or it can crash, be water my friend. - Bruce Lee

If I tell you I`m good, you would probably think I`m boasting, if I tell you I`m no good, you know I`m lying.
- Bruce Lee

Jeet Kune Do, it`s just a name, don`t fuss over it. There`s no such thing as a style if you understand the roots of combat. - Bruce Lee

The mind is like a fertile garden in which anything that is planted, flowers or weeds, will grow. - Bruce Lee

If there is a God, he is within. You don`t ask Got to give you things, you depend on God for you inner theme. -Bruce Lee


Bruce Lee could throw grains of rice up into the air and then catch them in mid-air using chopsticks.

Bruce was able to combust 100lb bags with a simple sidekick.

Bruce`s striking speed was five hundredths of a second from 3 feet away.

Bruce caved in protective headgear made from steel rods. These rods had previously withstood several blows from a sledgehammer.




(Sun.Jan.25.04 - 11:41pm) Damn, I need a new layout, someone help me. Either a page to do with stars/sunset, "back in the day" layout, dealin with all the games and shows that I grew up with or just a standard clean updated looking page. Decisions...


- || My Respect goes out in the right places, you know who you are. || -


LoL, time spent out of my night to give a shout out to Jason, a good friend and possibly one of the best look a likes to an anime character, that I have ever seen. I also left the picture in colour because I liked the look of the picture. He has a good shot when it comes to billiards and has his way with words. Over the holiday break, he definitely made me laugh the most, with his faces and "words of wisdom". With the trio of him, Kevin and Soo, anything can happen.

(I have to and will make a comic strip of you three.)

Quotes from Jason.

"I love her."
"Don`t touch my wife!"
(More to come.)

(More to Come)

After a Hard Days Work.

Stand by me...