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E-mail Fun!

1. When you e-mail someone start typing in another language.

2. Start typing in a font that is impossible to read.

3. Type so small that you need a microscope to see your letter.

4. Type LiKe ThIs the whole time.

5. Type everything backwards.

6. E-mail people about random stuff.

7. Keep sending chain letters by e-mail.

8. Ask about 25 of the stupidest questions you can think of.

9. Make your letter so long that people might think it will never end.

10. Keep asking the same stupid question over and over again.

11. Type in a 100pt size font.

12. Use your different e-mail addresses to e-mail the same person and ask them if they still remember you.

13. Use your different e-mail addresses to pretend that you are someone else and send the same letter that you sent before.

14. Block your best friend from sending you any messages for a day.

15. Every time someone asks you a question by e-mail say I dunno.

16. Pretend each time when you send something that you are a different person using that person's e-mail address.