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HuMaN BoDy ReGeNrO!

The general idea of human body regeneration is that some organs will grow back to original size in a matter of time. For example, blood cells die all the time and the amazing human body can replenish blood cells for the body in order to survive. One other organ that can regenerate in the human body is the liver. Brain cells also regenerate as the more you use your brain the more your brain cells would regenerate. Another part of the body that can regenerate is skin. Regeneration of the human body is remarkable as it heals by itself through time. Though sometimes this is not the case because when human parts are dysfunctional, replication might not occur or replicate abnormally. This then needs artificial, man made body parts in order for survival. Through this site, few of the main parts of the human that can regenerate are explained in detail from the links on the side.

Our Main Topics!

The Liver
The Skin
The Blood
The Brain