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Any Help Would Be Much Appreciated

Things I Need Help With

Thank you for visiting my site! My name is Kelly and I'm 18 years old. I'm graduating high school in about 2 weeks now and I have nothing to fall back on. I have no money and my car is a piece of a shee-it. I've never had a job before, but it's not like I haven't tried. Ever since I turned 16 I've been trying to get a job...but no one will hire me! They don't understand how bad I need a job. My parents are divorced so we don't have much money anymore. My mom makes like $900 a week (she's a nurse) but all of that money goes to our bills. And whenever I ask my dad for money, he never has any cuz he has bills too. If I don't get a job or some money fast, I'm not going to be able to afford college. And when I go to school, I'm going to need a much better car then the piece of sheeit I have now. My transmision's about to go out too. I need money so I can get a car. But I need a job in order to get money for a new car. And No one will hre me so I'm fucked! I don't know what to do! I could always sell my body but I'm not that fuckin desperate for money! I'll find something else to do thank you very much! I've got a lot of old clothes that I could sell, but I don't have any pictures up so I can't really do that right now. I'm taking some pictures this coming weekend so maybe I can get them up sooner then I think :) If you would be willing to give me any advise on how I should make money or would be willing to give me a donation, lol, I would be very much abliged. Thanks again for listening to me complain, lol I hope I get some good responses! If you want to contact me about anything, I'm going to try and get a guestbook on this thing, or you can just email me at :

Some sites you should check out

My old web site, haven't worked on it in like a month
Friend Mark's website
NIN website
Marylin Manson website
