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The next thing I remember is awakening in a grey room, the only defining feature being the outline where a door might be located and a translucent window, through which I could see a hallway, with four windows on the facing wall, and the reflection of three other such enclosures, apparently to the right of mine. The ambient lighting was just enough that it took effort to make out the details of my nearest cell mates, but apparently they had been here long enough to develop a means of communicating with each other, similar in nature to Morse code. I learned by experimenting, and watching the silhouette of the being across from me, who seemed to have taken it upon itself to teach me as quickly as possible, so that we could all tell each other about ourselves, and how we each had come to be here, as well as much information as we each knew about our captors. I learned their names and species as I learned their stories, which were eerily similar to my own, each and every one of them were orphans, as well as being uniquely gifted with a particular trait.

Across from me was Thym, who I learned was an anthropomorphic hamster, something I had never come across before in my travels. Its hard to describe him, but I'll try; Thym stood approximately 4 feet tall, his fur was a golden brown, with white on his underside. His eyes were a clear brown, and he had the unusual knack for finding the weaknesses in the room he was in, which apparently was the reason that there were no corners or edges to be found in any of the rooms ~ our captors made sure that what one learned to do, the others couldn't replicate, even if they couldn't stop the communication of ideas between us.

Next was Rayneek, who was an anthropomorphic displacer beast, another almost unheard of species, though I had come across a few in my travels, usually when dealing with the security on high-risk stations. Trying to describe her is a unique experience, due to the fact that she rarely stood still long enough to get a clean look at, but this is what I could tell; Rayneek stood an impressive 9 feet 11 inches tall, her fur was an India ink black, with little rosettes of space black, almost like a leopard, but more tiger-stripe patterned. Her eyes were a deep sea green, and she had a winning smile, which usually meant she was getting into mischief.

Next was Hanke, who was a Komodo dragon 'taur, something which made me blink several times when I finally saw him. It took me a while to take all of him in, due to the fact that he had to pace around a lot, getting the kinks out of his limbs ~ the room he was in just a little too small for him, which I learned was to prevent him from using his massive tail to swat our captors when they came to examine us. Hanke stood approximately 6 hands at the shoulders of his 'taur form, his anthropomorphic body adding another 4 feet to his total height; his scales were a smoothed jade green. His eyes were mustard brown with little incursions of darker brown around the pupil, and he was surprisingly gentle despite his fierce countenance and impressive size.

Next came PyTyR, or "Peetiir" as he liked to be called, he was a technorganic cobra, who could assume a semi-anthropomorphic state, but it taxed him a lot to maintain it for long periods of time. PyTyR was approximately 10 feet in length, from his nose to the tip of his tail, his scales were an almost silver/platinum in sheen, with a liquid quality to their makeup. His eyes were a liquid gold in color, the pupils oddly mercury colored. It was a unique experience to get hugged by him, but pleasantly so, as you could tell what a caring soul he had.

The next was SsAaNn, an anthropomorphic Siamese Dragon. Meeting hir was quite a shock, but it also proved to me that I should never stop imagining weird and unusual things. Describing SsAaNn is a study in the unusual, for a couple reasons; Sie stands an even 7 feet tall, on four digitigrade feet, hir two bodies sharing a single tail, hir left body being male in nature, hir right body being female. Hir four eyes were a greenish blue, and hir muzzles were always searching for interesting and new scents to investigate.

Welfe came next, a non-anthropomorphic Hell beast, and when I finally saw him I had trouble believing that he was the runt of his litter. Welfe stood approximately 20 feet tall at his shoulder; his fur was an odd rainbow of grey hues, in a gradient from his back to his belly, lightening as they moved down his body. His eyes were a crimson red, with deep red striations around his cat-like pupils. His very wolfish build hiding a puppyish demeanor.

Next was Cyphre, an anthropomorphic miniature coati. When I met her, I immediately felt the need to scratch her ears, just because of her appearance. Cyphre stood approximately 9 inches in height; her fur was a sandy tan, fading to a blonde on her belly, darkening on the end of her tail and ear-tips. Her eyes were sienna brown, her nose never stopping as she raced around investigating everything she could.

Last was Boomyr, an anthropomorphic Chameleon, who was surprising in her attitude and demeanor. Boomyr stood a petite 5 feet tall, her scales a rainbow of colors when she wasn't trying to blend into the background. Her independently rotating eyes never stopped long enough for more than a hint of her dark grey eyes to be glimpsed. She was a vivacious and bubbly personality, which seemed to fit her, despite her species.

Table of ContentswhyChapter 2whyChapter 3whyChapter 4