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Saski's Story

~~ Here's the revised and rewritten version of Saski's life. It's still kind of depressing, but a bit happier. ~~

~~ It's being told from Saski's POV ~~

~~ *All the names within are not based on anyone in reality, if they resemble someone you know, it's unintentional.* ~~

Table of ContentswhyChapter 1whyChapter 2

My life started out simply enough, I was born into a loving family, with many siblings. My parents, Daryn and Wyrnne, were a mated pair of hermaphrodites, who shared the duties of parenthood equally, which meant that your mother might be your sibling's father. My siblings were, from oldest to youngest, Yslae (f), Franklyn (m), Wenge (h), Harwyn (m), Gynnie (f), Friedae (f), Lonne (h), Naenic (m), Vennec (f), Dixyn (h), Todd (m), Saski (m), Fawyn (f), Ebrinne (f), Aerinne (h), and Petalluna (f)

My first couple of years were quite pleasant, I spent them learning the magic that was a part of my being, plus the skill of shape shifting, which was also a natural part of my being. I was a quick study in both, and gained my second tail before my 6th birthday, which both pleased and startled my parents. I was sent to a school for gifted magic users so as to be able to learn the ins and out of the magic's that I had access to.

During the next three years, while I studied my magics, several of my siblings died in accidents, or through the devices of others. Franklyn died in a car crash, which also took the lives of his children and mate, I mourned their loss quite deeply as they were almost like a second set of parents to me. Wenge died in an explosion at hir work place, but shi died saving the lives of 20 of hir coworkers. Friedae died giving birth to her twins, though the doctor tried to save her. And Petalluna was abducted by a stranger she met on the Internet, we didn't actually find out what happened to her after the abduction until several years later, when she turned up with the name 'Roze' and a distinctly different personality - she was killed when she followed the instructions that were programmed into her by her captors.

During my studies I learned that my family was considered to be a bit on the odd side, not because my parents were hermaphrodites, but because of some of my ancestors, which were not always kitsunes. My paternal grandfather, Gryroar, is a dragon, and my maternal great-grandmother, Elynnaesa, is a unicorn. But the oddest thing I've discovered in my research into my own family tree is that one of my great-great-great-grandparents was a ten tailed kitsune, which is considered to be both a great honor and a great responsibility, but is also nearly unheard of for one to mate monogamously.

In my final, seventh, year of studies I experienced my greatest loss, that of my twin, Fawyn, she was killed in a random eruption of violence near the school she was attending. This was a telling loss for the entire family, as she seemed destined to become a healer. The entire faculty of the school came by to express their condolences, and offer support me support during my time of need, which was greatly appreciated, and deeply needed.

On my graduation date, which coincided with my 13th birthday, every single member of my family attended, which meant that the proceedings had to take place outdoors to accommodate some of the larger members of my family, such as Gryroar, but given the number of magus in attendance, we were rather certain that we'd have clear skies. It was a rather interesting occasion, seeing as they had to arrange the differing species foodstuffs so that the strict herbivores wouldn't see or be affected by the foods available for the omnivores and carnivores. The crowning moment came when I received the medals that I had earned during my years at the school.

After that summer I went to another sort of school, where I was taught the ways of combining my magic with my shape shifting. This was quite interesting, as it allowed me to experiment with greater variations in my form, while reducing the stress upon my body as I did so. The teachers are amazed at how quickly I seem to learn every aspect taught in the classes. But somehow I seem to anticipate each lesson and catch on to every nuance of what the teacher is trying to teach. About a month into my teachings they gave all the students a standard psi powers test. Each student was called into the office of the school separately, so that none of the others could be affected by knowing the extrasensory abilities of their fellow students. I learned that I had the ability to sense others' thoughts, as well as telekinesis - so I found out part of the reason for my ease of learning. The week after the results came in we were assigned new classes, where the teacher, as well as the other students, had similar gifts. Once I got used to the new format of the classes, and they were a little unusual, I learned at an accelerated rate.

Upon graduation from that school, after my 16th birthday, I went to work for my parents, at their magical curios Shoppe. I found it difficult to keep from using my gifts to assist the customers in finding what they were looking for, but I understood that it was considered an invasion of privacy unless they gave their permission. I took to wearing the earring that denoted my abilities openly, as a sign that I had been taught proper manners in the usage of my abilities, and that I could be trusted to not misuse them. The only thing that I had an issue with was when I was exposed to those who not only broadcast their thoughts loudly enough to bypass my shields, but wanted me to read all their deviant ideas of what they wanted me to do with them, or the other way around. I told my parents when each of these people, so as to get someone who was better suited to deal with the customer, if they were 'valued' enough not to request going elsewhere.

On my 18th birthday, I got a surprise, my parents had gotten me a position with a space-going vessel, they told me that I had earned it with my hard work. Then they told me that they feared for my safety if I stayed on-planet, they told me of all the mysterious difficulties our family had been experiencing, the deaths, and disappearances. I was shocked, as some of the things had happened were extremely unusual and difficult to explain as 'natural' occurrences. Despite my misgivings, I took the position, saying goodbye to my family and friends, having the unnerving feeling that I'd never see any of them again. The ship's name was the FTS Deerling, a light cargo vessel, and the varied furs aboard welcomed me with eager arms (or tentacles). I had never encountered so many varied species coexisting so well together, despite the college's mixed community. I learned my duties easily, and tried to learn as much as possible about the crew and its cargo, without the use of my talents. I wanted to find out about them without prior information being gathered.}

Approximately a month into my journey, ship time, I received a message from my home world with the message that my parents had been killed, hideously. They had, however, taken insurance out that revealed the killer, and who was behind him. I grieved for several months, barely eating enough to survive on, barely leaving my cabin except when it was truly necessary. I was rescued from my depression by Pothia, a rather pretty wolverine morph who had taken it upon herself to look after me and decided that I had grieved long enough and she was the best person suited to snap me out of it. She did her best to get me focused on the future instead of the past, and I'm very great full to her that she did so. I crawled out of my cocoon of depression and started living again; interacting with the crew and even taking furloughs on the worlds we stopped at. I invited Pothia to share my quarters shortly after she made herself a part of my life, but it took allot of dating and time spent together casually to get her to agree.

Over the next couple of years, ship time, Pothia and I developed a trusting, loving relationship. We fought, which is normal, and the make-up sessions were always more than enough for both of us to get over our bad feelings. We both agreed that becoming a mated pair, while very desirable, was not in the cards for us, due to the fact that she and I both felt that we were not ready for such responsibility. We took care that our nights together would not result in any offspring, which we also realized we were not ready for.

Table of ContentswhyChapter 1whyChapter 2