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This is My Family

This is My Page dedicated to my family. I have to dedicated and wonderful parents that have been married for 29 1/2 years. They have taught me so much. I have one sister. Her name is Jen. She got married on June 1, 2002 so instead of her Name being Jennifer Burns it is now Jennifer Del Bono. Her husbands name is Brian. There isn't another guy in the world that I would rather have as my brother-in-law. I have 3 uncles and 2 aunts on my dad's side and 1 uncle and aunt on my moms side (Grosz). My dad's brothers on the Burns side are Larry and his wife Kendall, Jim, and Ken and his wife Elida. My uncle on my moms brother on the Grosz side is Ken and his wife Candy. I'll tell you more when I put their pictures on this page so Enjoy

Some info about me and my Family


My Uncle Ken Grosz and Family
Pictures of the Whole Grosz Clan
The Burns Family
My Uncle Jim and Family
My Friends Page
