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This  site was created by members of Club de La Croix Belgique

which gathers together admirers of Maitre de La Croix and many of his students

in several countries.

Our aim is to communicate with

friends and art lovers to exchange


and opinions about the Progressive Neo Cubism

style of Maitre de La Croix.

Le Club is sponsored by

Marie Louise Comtesse de Chambertain and

benefactors who appreciate modern art, and particularly

Maitre de La Croix’s artwork.


We have affiliated members in France, Spain, Italy and Portugal.

Of course, we are looking for more friends in other countries, and most particularly

in the United States of America.

If you are interested in joining us or in creating a group or a chapter in your city, please let us know without hesitation.


We tried to produce an Internet site about some exquisite  paintings by Maitre de La Croix

which  enjoy a great admiration and respect around the world.

Unfortunately, many of those beautiful paintings were not catalogued in other art publications, especially the “Noir Et Blanc” series.


We hope that we are rendering a great service to the world art community by

bringing those masterpieces to you on the Internet.

We love very much to hear from you and read your emails.


Please write to us often and let us share your thoughts and ideas.

You can write to La Comtesse de Chambertin at:




Lucette Prevert, Secretary of Club de La Croix Belgique

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