
As you go through this forensics section you should complete the following steps:
1. Name the layers of skin.
2. Sketch and identify the classes (loops, whorls, etc.) of fingerprints.
3. Describe two methods for lifting prints.
4. Describe how investigators use shoe, tire, lip, and bite prints.
5. Describe how and why eye (retinal), prints may be a useful identification tool.

Fingerprint links to follow

Fingerprint Science
Latent Prints
Fingerprints Using Superglue
Ways to Collect Fingerprints
Bite marks in forensics
Characteristics of shoeprints
Fingerprint Types & Info
Classes of Fingerprints
Layers of Skin
Shoe and Tire Track Prints
Retinal identification
Forensics of lip prints
Take the fingerprint challengee
Back to Hempstead Forensics

Fingerprint Types