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If you want more info on Zach, you've come to exZACHly the right place.
Zachary Gesher Marcus was born 6/1/01 at 11:54 a.m.
7 lbs 15 ozs, 20 in.
Mom and Dad Marcus note that he's gotten even cuter since these photos were taken!

Happy Trio2

Halloween, 2003 (updated 11.05.03)

Bath Time, 2003 (posted 10.20.03)

Trains and Wedding, Aug 2003 (posted 10.20.03)

Cape Cod, Aug 2003 (posted 10.20.03)

May-June, 2003 (posted 6.30.03)

Mid-April 2003 (posted 7.08.03)

March-May, 2003 (posted 6.30.03)

Review: December 24, 2002 (posted 6.30.03)

March 8, 2003 (posted 3.18.03)

February 2003 (posted 3.7.03)

Dec 02 -Jan 03 (posted 3.7.03)

More August (posted 3.07.03)***

Pics with Family (posted 12.16.02)

Cute Nov-Dec 02 (posted 12.16.02)

Cute Sept-Oct 02 (posted 12.16.02)

*** I'm So Cute! (posted 10.02.02)

Fun at the Lake (posted 10.02.02)

July 2002 (posted 9.27.02)

Zack's Adventures (posted 9.26.02)

More Family (posted 9.26.02)

Family VI Feb-April (posted 9.26.02)

March-April Cute (posted 4.11.02)

February 2002 Calif. trip (posted 5.01.02)

Family/Friends V + CUTE! (posted 2.5.02)

Family & Friends IV (posted 01.20.02)

Vermont pics (posted 01.17.02)

Cute V Nov-Dec pics (posted 01.06.02)

Cute IV Sept-Oct pics (posted 01.06.02)

Family & Friends III (posted 10.13.01)

CUTE III (posted 10.08.01)

Pidyon Haben (posted 8.08.01)

Cute II (posted 7.25.01)

Family Shots (updated 8.02.01)

Simply Zach (6.17.01)

The Bris

First Set of Pics

Happy Trio

If you'd like an e-mail notice of when this page is updated, send a note to


If you want a version of these photos in a higher quality setting (more suitable for printing on a good resolution printer,) let us know which ones you want.

If you want a CD of ALL the pictures, we can send one out with a week's notice