SavageSpeak Glossary of Savagisms

From Liberalism is a Mental Disorder

Baggy-eyed Bolshevik

Jim Lehrer

Briefcase Mafia

trial lawyers

Brown Shorts

radical gay activists

Bypassed Bolsheviks in Buicks

retired, retreated leftists, known to haunt Palm Beach County, Florida

Caesars of Hollywood

actors and actresses who move among us as if they were gods


the loathing and hatred of Christianity by bigoted, intolerant, secular leftists

Clipped Hair, Mean-faced Women


Coffee Cup Annan

the shameless, oil swilling leader of the U. N.

Compassionate Conservative

Michael Savage

Condo Commies

wealthy socialists

Corned-Beef Commies

unhealthy, wealthy socialists

Crack Pants

pants worn by skinny middle-class kids who emulate gang-bangers

Crescent News Network


Czarina of Education

the clipped-hair, mean-faced women who dominate the National (mis)Education Association and control it with a jackboot


Republicans who act like Democrats (e.g., Arlen Specter)


a euphemistic term for godless Democrats

Dodge City of Talk Radio

The Savage Nation


a school of liberal art

Empty Skirt

a pancake-faced, teleprompter-reading leg-crosser in a newsroom


Environmental Propaganda Agency

"from Boulder Dam to dental dams in one generation"

from historic feats of engineering to corrupted acts of fellatio

"from kid gloves to latex gloves in one generation"

think your grandmother, then think Rosie O'Donnell

"from St. Christopher's medals to crystals in one generation"

going from traditional faith to New Age cosmic flakes

The Grim Reefer Gang

advocates for medical marijuana

Government-Media Complex

unholy alliance between big government and media elites

Headcutters in Headscarfs

evangelists who spread the religion of peace by cutting people to pieces

Hieroglyphics set to a Beat


Rev. Jesse HiJackson

Pastor of the First Rainbow Church of Shakedowns

Hitler in a Dirty Nightshirt

Osama bin Laden

Hollywood Idiots

mindless thespians from the Land of Make-Believe

Houses of Porn and Scorn

today's "liberal" colleges


what "liberal" used to mean


the Savage listening audience

Institutes of Lower Living

colleges where junior sheeple can get the finest illiberal education that taxpayer money can buy


dirty nightshirt-clad radical Muslims who walk with a Koran in one hand and a bloody, rusty knife in the other

Kneejerk Conservatives

reflexive right-wingers who never ask "Why?" when conservative leaders say "Drink the Kool-Aid"


any Turd-World dustbowl still stuck in the Middle Ages

Lexus Liberals

Kerry-brand liberals who despise the nation that made their wealth

Lunchroom Lenins

found mainly in Southern Florida at early, early, early bird buffets

Madeliene Halfbright

former Secretary of Hate under Bill Clinton who, in my day, would have run a deli on the lower east side of Manhattan

Mayor Any Twosome-Noosem

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom who violated California state law by issuing thousands of gay "marriage" licenses


news chicks who prostitute their ethics to espouse the party line

Mushroom Boys

L. A. screenwriters

Ninth Jerk-it Court of Schlemiels

the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, the most liberal federal court in the nation, where the justices have their heads up their robes


Henry Waxman

Old York Times

the once-great Gray Lady, deflowered by "Pinchy" Sulzberger's juvenile worldview


Palestine Broadcasting System

Pinchy Sulzberger

the left-leaning czar of the Old York Times and son of Arthur H. Sulzberger

Pot in every Chicken

legalization of marijuana

Psychological Nudity

exposing the Savage Truth

Rat Boy

John Walker Lindh, the so-called American Taliban, who stabbed America in the back


turn-coat Republicans (John McCain and other left-leaning anticonservatives)

Red Diaper Doper Babies (RDDBs)

psychotic sixties leftovers who mixed too much Marx with their marijuana


the babes of The Savage Nation


the unthinking, gullible masses


the reigning rule of radical feminism that emasculated America's men


organized crime with an army

Spawning like Shrimp

the swarming of illegal aliens at our southern border

Stand-up Stalins

anti-American comedians

"the stench from the bench is making me clench"

the odorous rule of liberal judges

The Supremes

U. S. Supreme Court justices


Taliban News Network, also known as CNN

Trickle Down Immorality

as perfected by Bill Clinton, the course material in the majority of America's public schools


gossipy, meddlesome, clueless female performers, a la BraBra Streisand or Barbara Boxer

Prepared by Citizens for a Savage Nation

Last Updated: June 2005