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Welcome to SoftMac Sux Inc. Advisers of TRUE information reguarding MacOS and in particular the emulation of MacOS using SoftMac 2000 (currently owned by Darek Mihocka - although since he bought out the source code in 1986 there has only really been a few "bug fixes" to the source, making the software OLD and OUTDATED...) Softmac 2000

Here at Emulators our goal is simple - NOT TO COMPARE MACS AND PC'S, but to show EVERYONE how wrong Darek Mihocka is in many cases... not to say everything he says is wrong (in fact he is actually quite an experienced programmer - and I would say he knows more than myself)... but when it comes to marketing his products, and talking about computers which he does not use (which is not only Apples) Mihocka is not only ignorant about true facts, but is also rude and cocky when his LIES are pointed out

Aaron Slater, a Softmac 2000 user comments:

"Soft Mac is a bugy peice of programming. SoftMac does NOT even support such simple processes as sound. Basilisk and fusion both support this very well. Mr. Michoka has also been listed as being extremely rude and demeaning in hs correspondence. He has personally attacked the creator of Fusion several times. I am NOT affiliated with either the company that produces Fusion, nor the company that produces Basilisk. I find Basilisk very reliable, even when running under Windows Millennium Beta 3. "

Dut isn't Emulating Macs using SoftMac 2000 FAST, and actually able to replace a GOOD Mac with even a slow PC?... I mean that's what my buddy Darek told me...

Good Question... it is both right and wrong, YES SoftMac 2000 is fast, but NO it can't emulate a good Mac with even an AMD 1.5ghz, this is because speed is not the limitation, the limitation is the lack of a PowerPC processor... Let me explain, The Macs which SoftMac 2000 emulates are only old 68k machines... so when you're running SoftMac 2000 quickly on your Pentium 166 and thinking "boy - y should I get a Mac" you are only emulating up to a 33mhz 68k machine, which does not support ANY new software... so it's really like going to a garage sale and being given 5 bucks to take an old Mac Plus out of the owner's hands, then going home and overclocking it to 100mhz and pumping a gig of RAM into it... you're not gaining anything really because you still cannot use ANY new software (still only up to MacOS 8.1 when Mac OS 10 is now available), and it's really like kicking a dead horse... it's not gonna move much

For the PC guys out there who don't know much about Macs... Softmac runs quickly basically because it's like getting a 386 emulator for your Mac and installing Windows 3.1 on it... ou'll never be able to install even Windows 95 on it, so it's pretty useless for compatability reasons, but if this is on your brand new 733mhz G4 (or even an old 100mhz 601) you're gonna be running the 386 as if it was on steroids... because the machine you are emulating is much older and slower than the one which you are using...

Isn't it dirt cheap though? So you might as well use it just as a bit of a lark...

At $69.95 (US) it's actually a piece of software which is more expensive than buying a REAL 68k Mac... I picked up a Quadra 810 (which is the top computer which this emulator emulates) for free at my local uni actually... most uni's have written off their old 68k Macs and will gladly be willing to give you one... as they really are old computers, and you can't use them for any new products (speed is not the limitation, it's the lack of the powerPC processor)





Run ANCIENT Macintosh software on Windows for $69.95 + 150 bucks for the ROM Card (or $500 for the "starter's kit") When you can pick up an old Mac for less than 10 bucks!!

Noooo way!!! this can't be true!! Well Darek Mihocka's RIGHT AGAIN!! you can run ANCIENT Mac software on your brand new AMD 1.5ghz with 1gb RAM, and HERE'S THE PROOF!

WOOOOOOW!!! Check this out boys!!! Yes, it's actually true!! With SoftMac 2000 you can ACTUALLY MAKE YOUR AMD 1.5GHZ THINK IT IS A 33MHZ MAC for just 500 bucks!!! Notice this Mac Plus ain't your normal Mac Plus, it has 1GB RAM... that's bigger than it's 10mb hard disk!!!

You can push it to the limits... make it run OS 8.1, which was released nearly 4 years ago! And also have some multitasking going... Adobe Photoshop 3LE (that was the last version supported by 68k Machines... so I s'pose there's absolutely no hope in me running Photoshop 5, or even 6 on Softmac)... Simultaniously you can be running Quicktime 2.5 (jeeesh, my 6100 has Quicktime 5, and I thought it was a shitty old Mac)...

There you have it boys, SoftMac 2000 can DEFINATELY allow you to run ANCIENT MAC SOFTWARE on a new PC for 70 bucks + purchase of Mac ROM card...

Just too bad you need a PowerPC for new stuff :(