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These pages contain my most recent artwork. My older graphics, wallpapers and tiles can be found in my archives. I'm always creating and growing. I hope you enjoy what is here. Enjoy these for your personal use. The usual restrictions apply. :) Just be honest, okay?

Because graphics often take time to download, I have set up pages with thumbnails of my graphics and desktop patterns/tiles. To view the actual item, just click on the thumbnail. To download, click and hold until a dialog box pops up, then select "Save As" ... and away you go.

Wallpapers currently available:

This artwork is COPYRIGHT © Sneakers (Wm. Andrew) 2002.
If you use any of Sneakers graphics or tiles, we simply ask that you be honest and give credit where it belongs.
You are welcome to use them for your personal use, or on your personal web site.
Please do not sell the artwork, nor pass it on via email. A link back to our site would be nice.

Visit the rest of our site:
Home | Kimberly's Krochet | Photo Albums | In The Kitchen

This page updated 07/22/02
Layout copyright © - 07/02 by Kimberly Andrew