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The Smokin Snail
Home Page

Hi and welcome to the smokinsnail website, I started building this website 1 evening when I woz bored, its mainly design to bring together the thing that make goin to the FitzWimarc School almost bearable like the songs, games and general things u make up to keep urself amused during lessons. If u av any suggestions of any other subjects u recon should b included just send me an email. I'm soon gonna b adding a teachers section so get e-mailing wiv ur ideas. Valid or amusing feedback emails will be posted on the feedback page.

The name SMOKIN SNAIL comes from this face I used to do which woz supposed to look like some1 who went on the Furtherwick ski trip smokin a fag and ended up lookin like a snail and although its not well known the name stuck.
If u have any suggestions please E-mail me.

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