Shock Dat Monkey!

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Welcome to my place. It's a vicious world out there, but you can relax here. So kick off your shoes & stay a while. I've tried to establish a web page with a little something for everyone. After all, they say variety is the spice of life, huh?? Well, all I've done is take so I feel like this is my chance to give it all back!!! Enjoy your stay and come back to see me again some time.
I currently feelThe current mood of at
If you have any info or news about lil' bow wow, please email me thanks!

My TLC Page
My Blink Page
My Friends Quotes
Less Than Jake Lyrics
Da ChAt PaGe!
Learn tha FlaRe
The Dark One Series
Go to College in Florida!
My GrEeN pAgE
My favorite cat, the Russian Blue
KooL ZoNe
