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- main | all eyes on me | events | flix | hollas | journal | conclusion|

wSup everyone! weLcome to my lil webpayGe thingy here...well yeah i kinda got into the whoLe thing cz of my sister and my cousins... nd so there's a lil background info on how this all got started foR yall..i dun spend that much time working on this honestLy cz i dun really go online that much nd i dun gots the time to, but i keep it updated all the time...some new, updated payGes today are riGht beLow so make sure yall peep thosE payGe(s) iite?! nd duN forGet for all you haTers out there duN forget to siGn my gBook nd droP all deM hater coMments up in there! nd foR all u luVers out there too i kNow you'll eNjoy this shiZz nd yaLL can droP deM notes up in my gBook too =P iite deN iM outs!

may // 23 // 2oo3
moved journal to xanga

"its somethin that i can't help. my heart wants someone else. theres nothin i can do. never thought it would be you. you say your not afraid. I'll do the same to you. you must be crazy. its to late to turn back now. i'm afraid we don't know how. baby keep your faith in me. I'll never let you down. its funny how we both know theres no one else for us its crazy..." Crazy - justin.timberLake

wuSs bumbin on deM speaKers?!
SnOoP doGg- `beautifuL`