"Real Deal" Ryan Ryder

"How does it feel...to know I'm the REAL DEAL!"

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Me and Ron Machel.

Shawn Taylor.

I beat one dude's ass.

This is later than I wanted to get one up. But it'll have to do! Bring it on Taylor.

The "Real Deal" with Ron "The Mac" Machel.

[The scene opens up in Los Angeles, California. The home city of Ryan Ryder. Speaking of Ryan Ryder. He is spotted gambling at a local festival. Sitting to his right is long time friend Ron Machel. Ron is dressed in a dark green short sleeved shirt. He's got on a pair of khaki pants and brown sandals to match. His head freshly shaven makes him look like a keemo therapy patient. Ryan on the other hand is decked out in a maroon colared shirt with black dress pants. He has on a few rings and gold chains. Because Ryan must look good no matter where he goes. And no matter how hot it is. Which should explain why he's wearing that shit in Los Angeles fucking California. But hey. It's like Ryan always says..]

Ryan Ryder: If you're going to play the part. You got to look the part!

Ron Machel: Yeahh! Wait. What the hell does that mean?

Ryan Ryder: Well take me for example. I'm a rich. Great looking individual! So of course I'm going to be sporting classy attire and betting big on each hand.

Ron Machel: Hah! The max bet is only 5 bucks.

Ryan Ryder: Yeah well this is the closest fucking thing we have to Vegas.

Ron Machel: Ain't that the truth.

[Meanwhile a woman behind the table is dealing out cards to the 6 individuals in front of her. When she's done she comes back to check what the first person wants to do. This being Ron.]

Dealer: 17. Want a hit?

Ron Machel: Ummm. Uh. Nahh! I'm good.

[Ryan showing a jack of hearts and a 4 of diamonds simply waves his hand over his cards. The dealer is only showing a 5. So of course he is just hoping for a bust. The next guy stays at 15. The woman to the left of him stays with a pair of Kings. The kid to the right of her stays at 13. But the next guy. Well the next guy has a 12. And in the world of Black Jack that is the worst hand to have. Of course with the dealer only showing a 5. It should be obvious what this gentleman should do. Stay at 12 and hope for a bust. But! This man is just a knuckle head who doesn't know jack shit about cards. Let alone odds! He doesn't think twice about it. He taps his finger on the table.]

Jackass: Hit me!

[The dealer flips the card over to reveal a 10 of clubs. The jackass busts. The dealer turns her cards over to show a King. She's got 15. Until of course she flips over he next card which is a 5. And since pushes go to the house here. She beats the entire table.]

Ryan Ryder: Mother fucker! Dude. You took her goddamn bust card.

Jackass: Excuse me?

Ryan Ryder: If you didn't hit. That 10 would've been hers and she would've busted! You never fucking hit when you got 12 or over and she's showing a 5!

Jackass: Calm down buddy it's just a game.

Ryan Ryder: Yeah it is just a game. When you're playing by yourself! Like every other Saturday night. But you got 5 other people here who stayed just so she could bust. And you fucked it up! And it wasn't the first time. I'm down 20 cause of you.

Jackass: Take a chill pill man. Or we could settle this.

Ryan Ryder: Settle this?

Dealer: Gentlemen please. Guys c'mon!

Ryan Ryder: Settle this how dude. Step outside and have me humiliate you in front of a thousand kids out there. Or just do it in here so God gets a front row seat!

[They're in a church by the way.]

Ron Machel: Ryan! It ain't worth it man.

Ryan Ryder: Damn right it's not. This guy's a WOT! Let's go.

Jackass: What! You a pussy?

[Ryan smiles. But is visibly pissed off. Ron steps in between the two and puts a hand on Ryan's shoulder. Like he's restraining him from doing something. Only thing Ron doesn't know is Ryan's restraining himself. If he wanted to he'd shove him out of the way with ease and knock this jackass out in one swift punch. But instead Ryan just cracks his neck. Stares the man down and finally turns and walks away. A few cops approach. Trying to act like tough. But they don't say anything. They just stare at Ryan and the jackass like a bunch of hardasses. Ryan and Ron exits the church and make their way in to a teen filled atmosphere. Rides. Games. And trailors full of food clutter what used to be an empty lot 2 days ago. As soon as Ryan starts walking through the crowd you can tell he's already forgetting the altercation he just had. That is until Ron opens his big mouth.]

Ron Machel: Dude. I should've leveled that guy. I can't stand people like that. Try to act like badasses. But they're just punks!

Ryan Ryder: Yeah whatever. He was lucky tonight. Lucky we were in the Lord's house. And lucky I didn't want to spend the night in jail.

Ron Machel: Yeah fuck him. So what's going down tonight?

Ryan Ryder: I need to grab some cavitells. Maybe a funnel cake. And then I gotta go home and crash.

Ron Machel: Whaaat? Dude! I know some chick who's throwing a party over on Matthews. We'll hit it up!

Ryan Ryder: I don't know.

Ron Machel: Come on man! We'll grab a few beers. Pick up a few bitches. It'll be like the good old days!

Ryan Ryder: I don't know man. Maybe.

Ron Machel: It ain't cause of all that rehab shit is it? Because you don't have to drink. Matter fact you can just be DD.

Ryan Ryder: Yeah! Can I really? I mean I always dreamnt of being your chouffer.

Ron Machel: Haha. Shut up dick.

Ryan Ryder: No it ain't all that. It's just that I got a match coming up and I can't blow it. I got to come out strong and show I mean business. A great debut ain't shit if it isn't followed up by an even greater encore performance.

Ron Machel: I guess you're right. But you're Ryan Ryder! You can handle whatever fool you face with ease.

Ryan Ryder: Oh I know I can. I handled this punk before. Actually it was the last tournament I was in. But still. I need some sleep. I got to get up early to work out and shit tommorrow. Plus Stacey's coming to pick up some things. Soo that should be interesting.

Ron Machel: You gonna hit that shit dude?

Ryan Ryder: Nahh.

Ron Machel: Come on. Fuck that shit and tape it for me!

Ryan Ryder: Noo I can't. But I'll fuck some other chick and tape it for you. How's that?

Ron Machel: As long as they're fine as Stacey.

Ryan Ryder: Finer.

Ron Machel: I doubt that shit. I mean. I don't doubt your game. But she was a knockout!

Ryan Ryder: I know.

Ron Machel: Well I'm going to go man. Good luck with that shit. Call me tommorrow around 6. We'll run a few games at the gym.

Ryan Ryder: Alright. Later bro!

[They shake hands and then embrace with a quick one armed hug. Ryan makes his way towards a little italian trailor. While Ron quickly gets on his cell and starts dialing up numbers already. But before he's out of view. He yells back at Ryan.]

Ron Machel: Tap it once for me dawg! Tap it for me!

[Ryan seemingly embarassed cracks a smile. He then approaches the trailor. Orders some cavitellis and pays the girl his money. As the scene fades out.]

------- 20 Minutes Later -------

[Ryan is in his yellow X-Terra. A camera man is in the passenger seats filming Ryan's every move. As Ryan begins speaking. 'MTV Diary' style.]

Ryan Ryder: So Shawn Taylor. We meet again. Seems like not to long ago I was schooling you in the ring. And to think! That wasn't even while I was at the top of my game. You see the last tournament I was in. Was King of Xtreme over in the XWF! I breezed through the first two rounds and then came face to face with Shawn Taylor. And to be quite honest. He didn't even put up a decent fight. Had I been on the top of my game however. I would've walked out of that tournament with the Intercontiental Title and a victory ove Rage. In fact! The Shotgun legacy would've never even happend. Because if I was the one getting the title shot. I would have taken that dirty rican down! His retirement from the XWF wouldn't have meant jack shit. Nobody would even care that he was gone. And I'd be the reigning XWF World Champ! But I fucked up. I blew my oppurtunity. I made some wrong choices in my life. And they ended up effecting my career. But now I have another oppurtunity! And though I'm not at the top of my game quite yet. I won't let this oppurtunity slip away. I am going to grab the oppurtunity by the throat! And I am going to choke the life out of it. Sorta like I'm going to do with you Taylor. I am going to choke the life out of you! I am going to go in to Massacre with the uptmost confidence. I am going to get you in the middle of that ring. And I'm going to show you what it's like to be infected by Ryder fever! Hell. 2 minutes in the ring with me and you're already see what everyone has been seeing. You're already feel what everyone has felt! That Ryan Ryder is greatness. That I am an Elite in the making. And as soon as it begun. The match will end! With your shoulders pinned to the canvas. And with the numbers. 1! 2! 3! Echoing throughout the stadium. You see I don't want to only beat you. I want to make an example out of you. I want the quick and easy victory over you. I want the clean win! I want to show all those pieces of garbage out there that they don't stand a chance against the likes of me. Let me rephrase that! They don't stand a chance against ME! Because there is nobody like the Real Deal. In fact. I am so confident that I will score a victory at Massacre. That I am already dubbing myself the International Champ! Why wait a week? Everyone can just start calling me "the Real Deal Elite Ryan Ryder. Internationally known. As YOUR champion!" Fuck the world title. I'll make my reign as International Champ more productive than any use-to-be like Xavier or Hunt will as world champ. Oh and a use-to-be is my word. So don't go taking it now. I know how Xavier and others like ripping off my character. Of course no matter how hard they try. They can't quite duplicate me! I guess it's because nothing beats an original. Sure a copy is a nice thing to have. And I bet a clone would come in handy from time to time. But as far as an original goes. Nothing will ever measure up to it. Just like none of you BOW scrubs can ever measure up to the Real Deal. So I'm going to end this now by addressing Shawn Taylor. Shawn! I feel bad for you. You seem like a real good guy. Seem like you'd do just about anything for this business. And I applaud you for that! But there comes a time in a man's life when he has to face the facts. Fact number one. Your country is worthles! The only good thing ever to come out of there was the accent. And fact number two. I'm already the International Champion! You're just going to be there so I can showcase my talents to the world. And make Mr. Douglas some extra money. Of course I'll be making a few bucks of my own by beating you. But one grand does seem like kind've a rip of. Considering how easy it'll be to earn it! Haha. I'll see you at Massacre Taylor. This interview is over. You think you know. But your a jackass with a lower IQ than Bush! So kiss my ass.

[Ryan smiles and then slips on a pair of shades. As he continues driving towards the beautiful California sunset. Of course he doesn't have time to enjoy it. He's got an ex coming over in the morning. Yikes!]

If you know what greatness looks like... You know that your staring right at it!

"You just got rode by Ryan Ryder!"

"The Perfect Specimen"

'Real Deal' Ryan Ryder