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That's Nikki, Mary, Jordan, Mike and Me playing release at Nikki's house.... Ahhh... the good old days... HAHA what am I talking about we still play release now a days...

Anyway this page is gonna be my place to talk about things that make me angry and trust me there are a lot of things that make me angry. Don't let me scare you off, though. I really am a nice person when I want to be. Most of the time I just don't want to be, though...

One of the things that pisses me off most is censorship. Now to a degree this is practiced every day to some extent, but I hate when people's rights of freedom a speech are taken away because some people are being rediculous. I think people should be free do say what ever they want (not when ever they want, but they should be allowed to say it). I might not agree with everything, but that is no reason to silence some one. Like the KKK for example, while I totally disagree with everything they stand for, I support their right to say it. This page in some small way is all about that, freedom to talk about things that everyone might not like to hear.

CopyRight: Don't Bite
CopyRight: Don't Bite