Welcome To our new calender!!! Here we tell you all about what we are doing this week!! Next Friday is the blow off of Freky Friday give away 1 lucky member 10 great items. Now i am not talking cheap items. Very Expencive items!! But to be that lucky member you have to at least post 5 messages.

Ok lets get on to news!! This is a big week for Nsync Pop Guild. We have gotten cartoon dolls, more prizes, lots more members, and a new guild welcome sign , and the color of our guild please check every thing out!!!!!!

This Week on nsync news i was reading Ym and guess who was on the cover?? Justin Justin Justin!!! Then i skimed through and they said that befor justing turns 21 he wants to, Get a better head of hair, thank his mom for being really cool, and i forgot the last one oh well. So read the newest Ym.!!!
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