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Avril's album:

The whole concept of each and everyone of her songs is amazing, she just does some in style and some went a little wrong. [This is my opinion don't send me hate mail] Out of all 13 tracks on her album I think there are 10 amazing tracks. So here is MY analysis of the whole album:


Track 1: Losing grip

This whole song is amazing, I don't think there is another word for it. You can really feel where she is coming from, I think mosty girls can relate to this:

Rating: 9/10


Track 3: Sk8er boi

Fun! I love this song and the lyrics are so clever. This song jst keeps you happy where ever you are. And I love the story, I laugh at the otha girl

Rating: 9/10

Track 2: Complicated

We heard it, we loved it, we bought the album, we like some other tracks more. This song is great and never has been anything less.

Rating: 9/10

Track 4: I'm with you

The very 1st time I heard this song I fell in love with it and as I persuaded my friends to get her album they fell in love with it 2. I hope it does well as a single.

Rating: 10/10

Track 5: Mobile

This is such a great song. I like other songs more but this song still makes me happy. The words are good too. *I'm a mobile!*

Rating: 8/10

Track 6: Unwanted

I think this is sort of my favourite song cos I can relate to it. I don't want to go into great detail but it makes me feel like I wasn't the only one in the world.

Rating: 10/10







Track 7: Tomorrow

I don't like this song. I have nothing against DTI just don't like it. I think it was supposed to be mellow but it didn't work for me.

Rating: 6/10

Track 8: Anything but ordinary

I'm listening 2 this song now so obviously I like it alot. It's a brilliant song with an interesting concept. It's a song I can chill to.

Rating: 9/10


Track 9: Things I'll never say

This is a really cute song. I suppose at some point we're all like this with guys. I know sometimes I really wanna say something but I just can't.

Rating: 9/10

Track 10: My world


This thing hasn't been out of my CD player. It's really great. And I'm in love with it. I think I'll marry this CD. No seriously.

Ok, it scored .... 108/130 which is damn good.

Percentage: 83% - Oh. My. God.

This is a great song. I love when she sings *When you're all alone in the land of foreva lay under the milky way* that really is the best bit. I'll do that someday!

Rating: 9/10

Track 11: Nobody's fool

It's not a bad song it's just... why does she talk in it? I'm not really feeling it much. So yeah, I don't like it.

Rating: 6/10

Track 12: Too much to ask

This is a really cool song. The guy sounds like a stereotypical preppy guy who would annoy the pants off me. So yeah, great song good lyrics, catchy tune. watev.

Rating: 8/10

Track 13: Naked

This song was quite boring but had a great theme. I don't get how, as all her tunes are fantastic this one could be boring. But it was, so there.

Rating: 6/10